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ExpandedException2 Fields
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The ExpandedException2 type exposes the following members.

Public fieldConditionID
ID of the condition violated by this exception.
Public fieldDriverId
The ID of the driver that caused the exception.
Public fieldDriverName
The Name of the driver that caused the exception.
Public fieldID
Unique ID for this exception.
Public fieldPoint
The point at which the exception occured.
Public fieldTimeOff
Time the exception ended (local time).
Public fieldTimeOn
Time the exception began (local time).
Public fieldTimeTriggered
Time this exception was triggered (local time). Typically you would allow a few minutes grace time after a condition is violated (at TimeOn) to allow for unforseen circumstances. However, if the condition is still violated after this grace period the exception will trigger. This means that TimeTriggered will often be a few minutes after TimeOn.
Public fieldUnitId
The ID of the unit that caused the exception.
Public fieldUnitName
The Name of the unit that caused the exception.
See Also