Point diagnostics |
The Point table has additional diagnostic columns that are available to you for use in templates.
![]() |
If the DataType for a column is anything other than BoolType or Number then the units MUST be specified. |
For example:
Odometer(miles) = Input.Odometer
instead of
Odometer = Input.Odometer
![]() |
Once created, these entities are read-only. |
This topic contains the following sections:
Refers to the fact that some entries come in pairs (Foo and Foo2) to support dual components, such as assets having two engines. Typically, the first engine provides locomotion (drives the vehicle) and the second engine provides powered operation (winch, hydraulic motor).
Refers to the cumulative, running total of time for the vehicle.
Refers to the delta in the current job or duration that the engine runs (on/off events).
Some diagnostic values are not reported with every point. If a point is received and a diagnostic value is missing, then the Time to Live duration determines whether the previous value reported should persist to subsequent inserted points and if so, for how long. During the Time to Live period (such as 22 minutes or 3 days), the persisted diagnostic stays at its current value, unless it is updated. If the persistence period ends and an update to the diagnostic value has not been received, then the current value expires, and the diagnostic value reverts to unknown.
Refers to "On-Board Diagnostics - Second Generation", a computerized system on newer vehicles that uses an on-board computer to test and monitor all of the vehicle's components and systems that affect emissions. It can detect malfunctioning components before serious failures occur. When it finds an emissions control malfunction, the dashboard illuminates "Check Engine" or "Service Engine Soon." An OBDII scan tool plugs into the vehicle's computer and downloads the diagnostic trouble codes (DTC) being stored.
Refers to whether the OBDII has completed testing the given emissions control system. The OBDII tests for system functionality and, if it detects a problem, stores a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) in the on-board computer. On the vehicle inspection report (VIR), the status of each readiness monitor appears under Emissions Tests Results, which affect the vehicle's ability to pass inspection.
To perform its tests, a monitor needs specific conditions to be met, called a "Drive Cycle". This varies by vehicle make and model, and it can include starting the vehicle cold, running it up to normal operating temperature, driving at different speeds, and then turning it off. Some monitors need only one complete Drive Cycle; others require several before they report "Ready":
Additional Columns | Data Type | Description | Precision | Storable Range | Time To Live |
AbnormalRefrigeratorTemp | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Abnormal Refrigerator Temperature. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
AbsCount | Number | Lifetime value for ABS Count. The cumulative number of times the Anti-Lock Braking System(ABS) was engaged. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 3 days |
AbsEvent | BoolType | ABS Event. (Automatic Braking System) True if detected. | true or false | none | |
AbsFault | BoolType | Instantaneous value for ABS Fault. True if there is a fault in the Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS). Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
AbsIndicator | BoolType | Instantaneous value for ABS Active Lamp. True if the Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) indicator is active. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
AcceleratorOverrideCount | Number | Lifetime value for Engine Shutdown Overridden by Accelerator Count. The number of times engine shutdown was overridden by the accelerator. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | none |
AcceleratorPosition | Number | Instantaneous value for Accelerator Pedal Position. The ratio of the actual position of the accelerator pedal (or throttle lever) to its maximum position. The beginning position (not engaged) starts at 0%. | 0.0025 % | 0 to 163.8375 % | 22 minutes |
AccelViolationsCount | Number | Delta value for Acceleration Violations. Counts the number of acceleration violations on the trip. | count | -32,768 to 32,767 | none |
AcSystemRefrigerantMonitorReady | BoolType | Instantaneous value for A/C System Refrigerant Monitor. Non-continuous OBDII monitor of R-12 refrigerant leakage; unsupported on newer vehicles. False (Not Ready) indicates that monitor tests are incomplete. Normal value is true. | true or false | none | |
ActualEnginePercentTorque | Number | Instantaneous value for Actual Engine - Percent Torque. The calculated output torque of the engine. | 1 % | -128 to 127 % | none |
ActualRetarderPercentTorque | Number | Instantaneous value for Actual Retarder - Percent Torque. Actual braking torque of the retarder as a percent of retarder configuration | 1 % | -128 to 127 % | none |
AdaptiveCruiseEngaged | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Adaptive Cruise Engaged. True if Adaptive Cruise Control is engaged. | true or false | none | |
AirbagDeployed | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Airbag Deployed. True if the airbag is deployed. Remains true until the module is reset by the airbag supplier. | true or false | 3 days | |
AirbagLight | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Airbag Light. True if the Airbag indicator is lighted. | true or false | 3 days | |
AirbagLightEvent | BoolType | Airbag Light Event. Event is signalled when the Airbag indicator is first lit. | true or false | none | |
AirBrakeEngaged | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Air Brake Engaged. True if the Air Brake is engaged. | true or false | none | |
AirCompressorStatus | Number | Instantaneous value for Air Compressor Status. Values: Inactive (0), Active (1). Indicates whether the air compressor is actively compressing air. | enum | 0 to 1 | none |
AirFilterMaintenance | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Air Filter Maintenance. True if air filter requires service. | true or false | none | |
AirInletTemp | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Air Inlet Temperature. Refers to the temperature of air entering the induction system. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 22 minutes |
AirSuspensionLevel | Number | Instantaneous value for Air Suspension Level. Percentage level of air suspension height relative to the maximum possible height. | 1 % | 0 to 255 % | none |
AirSuspensionMode | Number | Instantaneous value for Air Suspension Mode. Values: Normal (0), Towing (1), Parked (2), High Speed (3), Off Road Low (4), Off Road High (5). Mode name of the air suspension height setting. | enum | 0 to 5 | none |
AllowedEmergencyPhoneCall | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Phone Call Allowed (911 Emergency). True if detected. | true or false | none | |
AllowedHandsFreePhoneCall | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Phone Call Allowed (Hands Free). True if detected. | true or false | none | |
AllowedUnblockedPhoneCall | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Phone Call Allowed (Phone Blocking Off). True if detected. | true or false | none | |
AllowedWhitelistedPhoneCall | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Phone Call Allowed (White List Phone #). True if detected. | true or false | none | |
AlternatorCurrent | ElectricCurrent | Instantaneous value for Alternator Current. Indicates the amperage that the alternator is supplying to the vehicle. | 1.2 A | 0 to 306 A | 22 minutes |
AlternatorVoltage | ElectricPotential | Instantaneous value for Alternator Voltage. Measurement of AC (RMS) voltage at the alternator output. | 0.05 V | 0 to 3,276.75 V | 22 minutes |
Altitude | Distance | Instantaneous value for Altitude. Altitude of the vehicle referenced to sea level at standard atmospheric pressure and temperature. | 0.01 m | -21,474,836.48 to 21,474,836.47 m | none |
AmbientAirTemp | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Ambient Air Temperature. Refers to the temperature of air surrounding the vehicle. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 22 minutes |
AmbientLightIntensity | Illuminance | Instantaneous value for Ambient Light Intensity. Measure of the intensity of incident light on a surface. | 0 lx | 0 to 4,294,967.3 lx | none |
AmbientRelativeHumidity | Number | Instantaneous value for Ambient Relative Humidity. Amount of ambient water vapor present expressed as a ratio to complete water vapor saturatation at ambient temperature. | 1 % | 0 to 255 % | none |
AmmoniumNitrateGrandTotal | Weight | Lifetime value for Ammonium Nitrate Grand Total. The weight of the material that was dispensed in total. | 0.02 kg | 0 to 101,992,030.01 kg | none |
AmmoniumNitrateJobTotal | Weight | Delta value for Ammonium Nitrate Job Total. The weight of the material that was dispensed for the job. | 0.02 kg | 0 to 101,992,030.01 kg | none |
AntitheftActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Antitheft System Active. | true or false | none | |
AsrCount | Number | Lifetime value for Traction Count. The cumulative number of times the Anti-Slip Regulation(ASR) was engaged. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 3 days |
AssetMoved | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Asset Moved Event. Warns that the unit is moving to new location. | true or false | none | |
AssetPowerOn | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Asset Power. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
AssetStopped | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Asset Movement Stopped Event. Warns that the unit stop moving and stay in new location. | true or false | none | |
AugerActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Auger. Refers to a vehicles's drilling device or attachment. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
AutoLubeAlarm | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Auto Lube Alarm. Warns of a problem with the system that continually flushes lubricant into vulnerable bearings/chains. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
AverageFuelEconomy | FuelEfficiency | Lifetime value for Average Fuel Economy. | 0 km/L | 0 to 42,949.67 km/L | 3 days |
AverageWindSpeed | Speed | Instantaneous value for Average wind speed. | 1 km/h | 0 to 65,535 km/h | none |
BackupBatteryTemperature | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Backup Battery Temperature. The temperature of the internal battery in the tracking device. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | none |
BackupBatteryVoltage | ElectricPotential | Instantaneous value for Backup Battery Voltage. | 0.05 V | 0 to 3,276.75 V | 22 minutes |
BarometricPressure | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Barometric Pressure. Refers to the atmospheric pressure around the vehicle. | 0.01 kPa | 0 to 655.35 kPa | 22 minutes |
BatteryRangeAcOff | Distance | Instantaneous value for Battery Range with A/C Off. Estimated driving distance remaining with the A/C off. | 1 km | 0 to 4,294,967,295 km | none |
BatteryRangeAcOn | Distance | Instantaneous value for Battery Range with A/C On. Estimated driving distance remaining with the A/C on. | 1 km | 0 to 4,294,967,295 km | none |
BatteryStateOfCharge | Number | Instantaneous value for Battery State of Charge. State of the battery charger connected to the main battery | 0.1 % | 0 to 6,553.5 % | none |
BatteryVoltage | ElectricPotential | Instantaneous value for Battery Voltage. | 0.05 V | 0 to 3,276.75 V | 22 minutes |
BellyDump | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Belly Dump. Indicates whether the dump gate is open. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
BinLiftCount | Number | Lifetime value for Bin Lift Count. Number of times the vehicle bin lifter has been used | count | -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | none |
BlockedIncomingPhoneCall | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Blocked Incoming Phone Call. True if detected. | true or false | none | |
BlockedIncomingTextMessage | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Blocked Incoming Text Message. True if detected. | true or false | none | |
BlockedOutgoingPhoneCall | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Blocked Outgoing Phone Call. True if detected. | true or false | none | |
BlockedOutgoingTextMessage | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Blocked Outgoing Text Message. True if detected. | true or false | none | |
BlockedPhoneApp | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Blocked Phone App. True if detected. | true or false | none | |
BluetoothDisableAttempt | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Bluetooth Disable Attempt. True if detected. | true or false | none | |
BoomInCradle | BoolType | Instantaneous value for In Cradle. Indicates whether the boom is lowered and stowed. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
BoomOutOfStowTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Boom Out of Stow Time. The total time the boom has been extended out of stow. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
BoomUp | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Boom Status. Indicates whether the boom is deployed for use. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
BrakeIndicator | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Brake Indicator Light. Alarm System warning light (red). Alerts that the emergency brake is on, or else that brake pressure is lost. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
BrakeLiningRemainingFrontAxleLeftWheel | Number | Instantaneous value for Brake Lining Remaining, Front Axle, Left Wheel. The percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the left wheel on the front axle. | 0.1 % | 0 to 6,553.5 % | none |
BrakeLiningRemainingFrontAxleRightWheel | Number | Instantaneous value for Brake Lining Remaining, Front Axle, Right Wheel. The percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the right wheel on the front axle. | 0.1 % | 0 to 6,553.5 % | none |
BrakeLiningRemainingRearAxle1LeftWheel | Number | Instantaneous value for Brake Lining Remaining, Rear Axle #1, Left Wheel. The percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the left wheel on the rear axle #1. | 0.1 % | 0 to 6,553.5 % | none |
BrakeLiningRemainingRearAxle1RightWheel | Number | Instantaneous value for Brake Lining Remaining, Rear Axle #1, Right Wheel. The percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the right wheel on the rear axle #1. | 0.1 % | 0 to 6,553.5 % | none |
BrakeLiningRemainingRearAxle2LeftWheel | Number | Instantaneous value for Brake Lining Remaining, Rear Axle #2, Left Wheel. The percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the left wheel on the rear axle #2. | 0.1 % | 0 to 6,553.5 % | none |
BrakeLiningRemainingRearAxle2RightWheel | Number | Instantaneous value for Brake Lining Remaining, Rear Axle #2, Right Wheel. The percentage of brake lining which can still be measured for the right wheel on the rear axle #2. | 0.1 % | 0 to 6,553.5 % | none |
BrakeOverrideCount | Number | Lifetime value for Engine ShutDown Overridden by Brakes Count. The number of times engine shutdown was overridden by the brakes. | count | 0 to 65,535 | none |
BrakeOverrideTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Engine Shutdown Overridden by Brakes Time. Total time the engine shutdown was overridden by the brakes. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
BrakePedalSwitch | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Brake Pedal Switch. True if the brake is engaged. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
BrakePedalSwitchCount | Number | Delta value for Brake Pedal Switch Count. Represents the number of times the Brake Pedal Switch has turned on. | count | 0 to 65,535 | none |
BrakePedalTime | TimeInterval | Delta value for Brake Pedal Time. Represents the amount of time that the brake pedal is pressed. | 1 second | 0 to 65,535 seconds | none |
BrakePedalTimeMoving | TimeInterval | Delta value for Brake Pedal Time While Moving. Represents the amount of time that the brake pedal is pressed and the vehicle is moving. | 1 second | 0 to 65,535 seconds | none |
BroomActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Broom. Refers to mechanical street sweepers. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
CabinTemperature | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Cab Interior Temperature. Temperature of air inside the part of the vehicle that encloses the driver and the operating controls. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 22 minutes |
CAIDDeviceDisconnected | BoolType | Instantaneous value for CAID Device Disconnected. Related to Alcolock feature, default value is false. If the connected alcohol interlock device is disconnected, then this event will be generated. | true or false | none | |
CAIDDeviceRecalibrationRequired | BoolType | Instantaneous value for CAID Device Recalibration Required. Related to Alcolock feature, identifies when the device needs to be recalibrated. Default value is false. | true or false | none | |
CAIDEventsNotRemoved | BoolType | Instantaneous value for CAID Events Not Removed. Related to Alcolock feature, default value is false. If the connected alcohol interlock device events are not removed during Uninstallation, then this event will be generated. | true or false | none | |
CAIDHandsetError | Number | Instantaneous value for CAID Handset Error. Values: Critical (0), Non-Critical (1). Related to Alcolock feature. Indicates the error state of the CAID device. If critical, it must be exchanged immediately. | enum | 0 to 1 | none |
CAIDTimeout | BoolType | Instantaneous value for CAID Timeout. Related to Alcolock feature, default value is false. If the connected alcohol interlock device times out, then this event will be generated. | true or false | none | |
CargoAirTemp | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Cargo Air Temperature. Refers to the air temperature inside the vehicle container used to accommodate cargo. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 22 minutes |
CatalystMonitorReady | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Catalyst Monitor. Non-continuous OBDII monitor of oxygen sensor readings to determine catalyst efficiency. False (Not Ready) indicates that monitor tests are incomplete. Normal value is true. | true or false | none | |
ChargeBattery1Time | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Engine Time Charging Battery 1. Total time time the engine ran to charge battery 1. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
ChargeBattery2Time | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Engine Time Charging Battery 2. Total time the engine ran to charge battery 2. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
CheckFuelCap | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Check Fuel Cap. Warns if the fuel cap is missing, loose, or needs to be replaced. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
Coasting | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Coasting. Refers to vehicle movement while in neutral. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
CoastingTime | TimeInterval | Delta value for Coasting Time. | 1 second | -32,768 to 32,767 seconds | 2 hours |
CollisionDeceleration | BoolType | Collision Deceleration. Indicates whether a collision is likely to have occurred. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
ComprehensiveMonitorReady | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Comprehensive Component Monitor. Continuous OBDII monitor of various switches and sensors involved with engine management. False (Not Ready) indicates that monitor tests are incomplete. Normal value is true. | true or false | none | |
CoolantHotIndicator | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Coolant Hot Light. Indicates overheating of the engine, such as from low coolant, inoperative fan, or obstructed radiator. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
CoolantLevel | Number | Instantaneous value for Coolant Level. | 0.498 % | 0 to 127.5 % | 22 minutes |
CruiseControlActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Cruise Control Status. Value expires if ignition is off. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
CruiseControlFaultIndicator | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Cruise Control Fault Indicator. True if the Cruise Control Fault indicator is on. | true or false | none | |
CruiseControlSetSpeed | Speed | Instantaneous value for Cruise Control Set Speed. | 0.5 mph | 0 to 127.5 mph | 22 minutes |
CurrentGear | Number | Instantaneous value for Current Gear. Values: Reverse (-1), Neutral (0), Low1 (122), Low2 (123), Low3 (124), Drive (125), Park (126). The gear currently engaged or the last gear engaged while the transmission is shifting. Standard gear numbers use their literal values (second gear is 2). | enum | -1 to 126 | none |
DecelViolationsCount | Number | Delta value for Deceleration Violations. Counts the number of deceleration violations on the trip. | count | -32,768 to 32,767 | none |
DefConcentration | Number | Instantaneous value for Diesel Exhaust Fluid Concentration. Concentration of urea in the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF). The Diesel engine NOx reduction agent quality requirements (ISO 2241) specify that DEF concentration must be 32.5%. | 0.0039 % | 0 to 256 % | 1 seconds |
DefrosterActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Defroster. Normal value is false. | true or false | 3 days | |
DefTankLevel | Number | Instantaneous value for Diesel Exhaust Fluid Level. Ratio of volume of Diesel Exhaust Fluid to the total volume of fluid tank. | 0.0025 % | 0 to 163.8375 % | 3 days |
DeltaEcoModeDistance | Distance | Delta value for Delta Eco Mode Distance. Total distance for the trip while the vehicle was driven in ECO Mode. | 0.001 km | -2,147,483.648 to 2,147,483.647 km | none |
DeltaEngineTime | TimeInterval | Delta value for Delta Engine Time. The amount of time the engine has operated since the previous report. | 1 second | 0 to 65,535 seconds | none |
DeltaEvRechargeEnergyUsed | Energy | Delta value for Delta EV Recharge Energy Used. Amount of electricity consumption that occurred during the Electric Vehicle Battery recharging cycle. | 0.01 Wh | -10,737,418.24 to 10,737,418.24 Wh | none |
DeltaIdleEnergyUsed | Energy | Delta value for Delta Idle Energy Used. Amount of electricity used while idling since the last time this parameter was reported. | 0.01 Wh | -10,737,418.24 to 10,737,418.24 Wh | none |
DerivedEngineHours | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Derived Total Engine Hours. Derived time of operation of the engine from a non diagnostic source. | 0.05 hours (3 min) | 0 to 214,748,364.75 hours | none |
DerivedOdometer | Distance | Lifetime value for Derived Odometer. Value is ignored if it is decreasing, excessively high, or too rapid an hourly change. Value Calculated in HW | 1 m | 0 to 4,294,967,295 m | 3 days |
DerivedSpeed | Speed | Instantaneous value for Derived Vehicle Speed. Vehicle Speed determined by best speed source available | 0.01 m/s | 0 to 655.35 m/s | none |
DeviceBatteryLifeRemaining | Number | Instantaneous value for Device Battery Life Remaining. Total percentage of energy capacity remaining in the battery of device. | 1 % | 0 to 255 % | none |
DieselPumpActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Diesel Pump. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
DOD | Number | Instantaneous value for Depth of Discharge Battery. The degree to which a battery is discharged in relation to its total capacity. When a battery discharges completely, its Depth of Discharge is 100%. | 0.1 % | 0 to 6,553.5 % | none |
DpfManualRegenActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Diesel Particulate Filter Manual Regeneration. True if the Diesel Particulate Filter is being manaully regenerated. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
DpfRegenActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration. True if the Diesel Particulate Filter is being regenerated. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
DpfRegenEndedEvent | BoolType | Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration Ended. True when a diesel particulate filter regeneration process has ended. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
DpfRegenInterruptedEvent | BoolType | Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration Interrupted. True when a diesel particulate filter regeneration process has been interrupted. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
DpfRegenLight | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration Light. True if the Diesel Particulate Filter regeneration status light is on. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
DpfRegenStartedEvent | BoolType | Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration Started. True when a diesel particulate filter regeneration process has started. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
DpfSootLevel | Number | Instantaneous value for Diesel Particulate Filter Soot Level. Percentage of soot accumulation in the diesel particulate filter. | 0.498 % | 0 to 127.5 % | none |
DpfStatus | Number | Instantaneous value for Diesel Particulate Filter Status. Values: Normal (0), Low regen need (1), Moderate regen need (2), High regen need (3). Normal means that no regeneration is needed. | enum | 0 to 3 | 2 hours |
DriverAlcoholWarning | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Driver Alcohol Warning. Related to Alcolock feature, default value is false. If the breath test is alcohol positive but below alcohol threshold, then this event will be generated. | true or false | none | |
DriverCallLight | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Driver Call Light. True if the driver call light is on. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
DriverDoorOpen | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Driver Door. Normal value is false. | true or false | 3 days | |
DriverSignedIn | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Driver signed in. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
DrivingWithoutSeatbeltAlertEvent | BoolType | Driving Without Seatbelt Warning. True when any of the driving without seatbelt alerts are true. | true or false | none | |
DumpArm | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Dump Arm. Refers to the lift arms of a loader, which pivot to dump. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
EcoMode | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Vehicle Eco Mode. True when the vehicle eco mode feature is on. | true or false | none | |
ECUError | Number | Instantaneous value for ECU Error. Values: Critical (0), Non-Critical (1). Related to Alcolock feature. Indicates the error state of the ECU. If critical, it must be exchanged immediately | enum | 0 to 1 | none |
EgrSystemMonitorReady | BoolType | Instantaneous value for EGR System Monitor. Non-continuous OBDII monitor of the Exhaust Gas Recirculation system, which reduces nitric oxide emissions. False (Not Ready) indicates that monitor tests are incomplete. Normal value is true. | true or false | none | |
ElectricalPtoMotorCount | Number | Lifetime value for Electrical PTO Count. The number of times that electrical power take-off was engaged. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | none |
ElectricalPtoMotorTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Electrical PTO Time. Total time that the electrical power take-off has ever been engaged. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
EmulsionGrandTotal | Weight | Lifetime value for Emulsion Grand Total. The weight of the material that was dispensed in total. | 0.02 kg | 0 to 101,992,030.01 kg | none |
EmulsionJobTotal | Weight | Delta value for Emulsion Job Total. The weight of the material that was dispensed for the job. | 0.02 kg | 0 to 101,992,030.01 kg | none |
EngineAutoStartStopEnabled | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Engine Auto Start/Stop Enabled. True if the engine can automatically start and stop itself during a trip. | true or false | none | |
EngineAutoStopped | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Engine Auto Stopped. True if the engine has been automatically stopped during a trip. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
EngineCoolantLevelLowIndicator | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Engine Coolant Level Low Indicator. True if the Engine Coolant Level is low. | true or false | none | |
EngineCoolantTemp | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Engine Coolant Temperature. Temperature of the liquid in the engine's cooling system. Value expires if ignition is off. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 22 minutes |
EngineHours | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Total Engine Hours. Accumulated time of operation of the engine. Value is ignored if it is decreasing, excessively high, or too rapid an hourly change. The maximum engine time is 45 years. | 0.05 hours (3 min) | 0 to 214,748,364.75 hours | 3 days |
EngineHours2 | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Engine Hours 2. (dual engines) Accumulated operation time of the secondary engine. Value is ignored if it is decreasing, excessively high, or too rapid an hourly change. The maximum engine time is 45 years. | 0.05 hours (3 min) | 0 to 214,748,364.75 hours | 3 days |
EngineLoad | Number | Instantaneous value for Engine Load. Value expires if ignition is off. | 1 % | 0 to 255 % | 22 minutes |
EngineOilLevel | Number | Instantaneous value for Engine Oil Level. Ratio of the current volume of engine sump oil to the maximum required volume. | 0.0025 % | 0 to 163.8375 % | 22 minutes |
EngineOilPressure | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Engine Oil Pressure. | 1 kPa | 0 to 65,535 kPa | 22 minutes |
EngineOilTemp | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Engine Oil Temperature. Refers to the temperature of the engine lubricant. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 22 minutes |
EngineOn | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Engine On. Indicates whether the engine is running, as opposed to ignition only. | true or false | none | |
EngineOn2 | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Engine On 2. (dual engines) True if the secondary engine is running. | true or false | none | |
EngineOverspeed | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Engine Overspeed. True if the redline (maximum rated engine RPM) is exceeded. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
EngineSpeed | Frequency | Instantaneous value for Engine Speed. Actual engine speed, calculated over a minimum crankshaft angle of 720 degrees divided by the number of cylinders. Value expires if either ignition or engine is off. | 1 RPM | 0 to 65,535 RPM | 22 minutes |
EngineStartUnauthorized | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Engine Start Unauthorized. Related to Alcolock feature, default value is false. If the breath test is alcohol positive, then this event will be generated. | true or false | none | |
EngineStartViolation | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Engine Start Violation. Related to Alcolock feature, default value is false. If the engine is running without authorization from the CAID, then this event will be generated. | true or false | none | |
EngineStatus | Number | Instantaneous value for Engine Status. Values: Stopped (1), Start Requested (2), Running (3), Stop Pending (4), Stopped With Conditions (7), Auto Stopped (8), Starting (9), Key Crank (10). The status of the engine. | enum | 1 to 10 | none |
EngineTorque | Torque | Instantaneous value for Engine Torque. Represents the turning effort of the engine in newton metres (N·m). | 0.1 Nm | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 Nm | none |
EnterSleep | BoolType | Enter Sleep. Indicates this point was generated by the device entering sleep. | true or false | none | |
EpsWarning | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Electronic Power Steering Warning. True if the Electronic Power Steering (EPS) warning light is on. | true or false | none | |
EscEnabled | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Electronic Stability Control Enabled. True if Electronic Stability Control (ESC) is enabled. | true or false | none | |
EvaporativeSystemMonitorReady | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Evaporative System Monitor. Non-continuous OBDII monitor of the system that minimizes release of gasoline vapors. False (Not Ready) indicates that monitor tests are incomplete. Normal value is true. | true or false | none | |
EVBatteryCapacity | Energy | Instantaneous value for Electric Vehicle Battery Capacity. Total energy capacity of the electric vehicle main battery. | 0.01 Wh | -10,737,418.24 to 10,737,418.24 Wh | none |
EVBatteryCharging | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Electric Vehicle Battery Charging. True if the EV battery is being charged. | true or false | none | |
EvBatteryRange | Distance | Instantaneous value for EV Battery Range. Estimated distance the vehicle can travel before recharging battery electric power, under current driving conditions | 1 km | 0 to 65,535 km | none |
EvBatteryRemaining | Number | Instantaneous value for EV Battery Remaining. Total percentage of energy capacity remaining of the electric vehicle main battery. | 1 % | 0 to 255 % | none |
EvRechargeType | Number | Instantaneous value for EV Recharge Type. Values: 110V system (0), 220V system (1), rapid (2), invalid (3). History record recharge type reported at end of recharge. Values: 110V system, 220V system, rapid, invalid. | enum | 0 to 3 | none |
ExhaustBrakeEnabled | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Exhaust Brake Enabled. True if the exhaust brake is enabled. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
ExternalPowerRestored | BoolType | External Power Restored. | true or false | none | |
FreeSlewingAlarmCount | Number | Delta value for Slewing alarms. | count | 0 to 65,535 | none |
FrontAxleDriveEngaged | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Front Axle Drive Engaged. True if the front axle drive is engaged. | true or false | none | |
FrontPassengerSeatBeltFastened | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Front Passenger Seatbelt Fastened. True if the front passenger seatbelt is fastened. Value expires if ignition is off. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
FrontPassengerSeatOccupied | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Front Passenger Seat Occupied. True if the front passenger seat is occupied. Value expires if ignition is off. | true or false | none | |
FuelFilterLifeRemaining | Number | Instantaneous value for Fuel Filter Life Remaining. Percentage of remaining service life in the fuel filter based on the maximum recommended service life for the filter type. | 1 % | 0 to 255 % | none |
FuelLevel | Number | Instantaneous value for Fuel Level. Ratio of volume of fuel to the total volume of fuel in the primary or left-side storage container, if there are two. When Fuel Level 2 is not used, Fuel Level 1 represents the total fuel. | 0.0025 % | 0 to 163.8375 % | 3 days |
FuelLevel2 | Number | Instantaneous value for Secondary Fuel Level. Ratio of volume of fuel to the total volume of fuel in the second or right-side storage container. | 0.0025 % | 0 to 163.8375 % | 3 days |
FuelOilGrandTotal | Weight | Lifetime value for Fuel Oil Grand Total. The weight of the material that was dispensed in total. | 0.02 kg | 0 to 101,992,030.01 kg | none |
FuelOilJobTotal | Weight | Delta value for Fuel Oil Job Total. The weight of the material that was dispensed for the job. | 0.02 kg | 0 to 101,992,030.01 kg | none |
FuelRailPressure | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Fuel Rail Pressure. The fuel rail pressure before injection. | 10 kPa | 0 to 655,350 kPa | 22 minutes |
FuelRange | Distance | Instantaneous value for Fuel Range. Distance the vehicle is estimated to be able to travel until the fuel tank will be empty, under current driving conditions. | 0.1 km | 0 to 6,553.5 km | none |
FuelRate | FlowRate | Instantaneous value for Fuel Rate. Amount of fuel consumed by the engine per unit of time. Value expires if ignition is off. | 0.01 gal/hour | 0 to 865.63 gal/hour | 22 minutes |
FuelRemaining | Volume | Instantaneous value for Fuel Remaining. | 0.05 gal | -107,374,182.4 to 107,374,182.35 gal | 22 minutes |
FuelSystemMonitorReady | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Fuel System Monitor. Continuous OBDII monitor of the engine's fuel use, to adjust the amount for optimal economy/emissions. False (Not Ready) indicates that monitor tests are incomplete. Normal value is true. | true or false | none | |
FuelTemp | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Fuel Temperature. Refers to the temperature of fuel entering the injectors. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 22 minutes |
FuelType | Number | Instantaneous value for Fuel Type. Values: Not Available (0), Diesel (1), Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) (2), Bi Fuel Vehicle using Battery (3), Battery/Electric (4), Compressed Natural Gas (5). Type of fuel currently being utilised by the vehicle. Values: Not Available, Diesel, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Bi Fuel Vehicle using Battery, Battery/Electric and Compressed Natural Gas. Value expires if | enum | 0 to 5 | none |
GasolinePumpActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Gasoline Pump. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
GpsCableDisconnected | BoolType | Instantaneous value for GPS Cable Disconnected. | true or false | none | |
GpsSpeed | Speed | Instantaneous value for GPS Vehicle Speed. Vehicle Speed determined by GPS | 0.01 m/s | 0 to 655.35 m/s | none |
GsmDisconnected | BoolType | Instantaneous value for GSM Disconnected. | true or false | none | |
HarshAcceleration | BoolType | Harsh Acceleration. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
HarshBraking | BoolType | Harsh Braking. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
HarshCorneringLeft | BoolType | Harsh Cornering Left. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
HarshCorneringRight | BoolType | Harsh Cornering Right. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
HazardLights | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Hazard Lights. True if the hazard lights are enabled. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
HeadlightsOn | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Headlights. True if the headlights are on. | true or false | none | |
HeatedCatalystMonitorReady | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Heated Catalyst Monitor. Non-continuous OBDII monitor of the catalyst's heater, if any. False (Not Ready) indicates that monitor tests are incomplete. Normal value is true. | true or false | none | |
HighBeamHeadlights | BoolType | Instantaneous value for High Beam Headlights. Indicates the status of the high beam headlights. Values: On, Off. | true or false | none | |
HighEngineTemp | BoolType | Instantaneous value for High Engine Temperature. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
HighTirePressure | BoolType | Instantaneous value for High Tire Pressure. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
HighTirePressure1LA | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Left Side, Tire A Pressure High. | true or false | 1 days | |
HighTirePressure1LB | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Left Side, Tire B Pressure High. | true or false | 1 days | |
HighTirePressure1RA | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Right Side, Tire A Pressure High. | true or false | 1 days | |
HighTirePressure1RB | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Right Side, Tire B Pressure High. | true or false | 1 days | |
HighTirePressure2LA | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Left Side, Tire A Pressure High. | true or false | 1 days | |
HighTirePressure2LB | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Left Side, Tire B Pressure High. | true or false | 1 days | |
HighTirePressure2RA | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Right Side, Tire A Pressure High. | true or false | 1 days | |
HighTirePressure2RB | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Right Side, Tire B Pressure High. | true or false | 1 days | |
HighTirePressure3LA | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Left Side, Tire A Pressure High. | true or false | 1 days | |
HighTirePressure3LB | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Left Side, Tire B Pressure High. | true or false | 1 days | |
HighTirePressure3RA | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Right Side, Tire A Pressure High. | true or false | 1 days | |
HighTirePressure3RB | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Right Side, Tire B Pressure High. | true or false | 1 days | |
HighWindSpeed | BoolType | Instantaneous value for High Wind Speed. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
HoistingBrakeTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Hoisting Brake Time. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
HoistTimeAux | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Hoist Time Aux. (dual hoists) The accumulated time that the auxiliary hoist has been used. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
HoistTimeMain | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Hoist Time. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
HoodUnlatched | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Hood Unlatched. True if detected. | true or false | none | |
Hopper1 | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Hopper #1. Indicates whether the hopper is open. Refers to the dispenser for granular material, or the first in a series of such dispensers. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
Hopper2 | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Hopper #2. Indicates whether the hopper is open. Refers to one of a series of dispensers for granular materials. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
Hopper3 | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Hopper #3. Indicates whether the hopper is open. Refers to one of a series of dispensers for granular materials. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
Hopper4 | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Hopper #4. Indicates whether the hopper is open. Refers to one of a series of dispensers for granular materials. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
HybridSystemEngineStopStartRemainingPercentage | Number | Instantaneous value for Hybrid System Engine Stop/Start Remaining Percentage. Determines if the vehicle can go in hybrid mode. | 0.1 % | 0 to 6,553.5 % | none |
HybridSystemServiceIndicator | Number | Instantaneous value for Hybrid System Service Indicator. Values: Off (0), On (1). Traction engine failure. | enum | 0 to 1 | none |
HydraulicFluidTemp | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Hydraulic Fluid Temperature. Refers to hydraulic systems that are separate from vehicle operation, such as outriggers and boom lifts. | 1 C | -32,768 to 32,767 C | 22 minutes |
HydraulicsActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Hydraulics. Refers to hydraulic systems that are separate from vehicle operation, such as outriggers and boom lifts. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
IdleTime | TimeInterval | Delta value for Trip Idle Time. The total time that the engine has idled on this trip. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
IdleTime2 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Trip Idle Time 2. (dual engines) The total time that the secondary engine has idled on this trip. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
Ignition | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Ignition. (required on every point) Indicates whether the ignition is on (such as to power the radio), regardless of engine status. | true or false | none | |
Ignition2 | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Ignition 2. (dual engines) True if the secondary ignition is on. Indicates whether the ignition is on, regardless of engine status. | true or false | none | |
ImsAcErrorCode | Number | Instantaneous value for IMS A/C Error Code. The most recent idle management system air conditioning error code. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | none |
ImsAcTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for IMS A/C Time. Total time the Idle Management System has provided air conditioning. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
ImsHeatTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for IMS Heat Time. Total time the Idle Management System has provided heating. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
ImsPowerOnlyTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for IMS Power Only Time. Total time the Idle Management System has been in monitor mode and only providing basic power to the cab. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
ImsTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for IMS Time. Total time the Idle Management System has been in monitor mode for any reason, such as cooling, heating, or providing power. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
InCabAlertDelivered | BoolType | In Cab Alert Delivered. True if an alert has been delivered. The type of alert delivered depends on the installed device and how it is configured. | true or false | none | |
J1587_DTC | Text | Instantaneous value for J1587 DTC. Diagnostic trouble codes for the J1587 heavy vehicle network interface system; the diagnostics are manufacturer-specific. | Unicode 16-bit character string | none | |
J1939_DTC | Text | Instantaneous value for J1939 DTC. Diagnostic trouble codes for the J1939 heavy vehicle network interface system. | Unicode 16-bit character string | none | |
JammerDetected | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Jammer Detected (GSM Signal Violation). | true or false | none | |
LaneDepartureEvent | BoolType | Lane Departure Event. True if an unsignaled lane change is detected. | true or false | none | |
LateralAcceleration | Acceleration | Instantaneous value for Lateral Acceleration. Represents the acceleration of the vehicle perpendicular to its heading; positive values go right, and negative values go left. | 0.0031 m/(s^2) | -100 to 100 m/(s^2) | none |
LiftActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Lift. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
LoadPercent | Number | Instantaneous value for Load %. | 1 % | 0 to 255 % | none |
LoadTime0 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Load Time 0-10%. Totals the time spent within 0 to 10% of load. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
LoadTime10 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Load Time 10-20%. Totals the time spent within 10 to 20% of load. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
LoadTime100 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Load Time 100+%. Totals the time spent in excess of 100% of load. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
LoadTime20 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Load Time 20-30%. Totals the time spent within 20 to 30% of load. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
LoadTime30 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Load Time 30-40%. Totals the time spent within 30 to 40% of load. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
LoadTime40 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Load Time 40-50%. Totals the time spent within 40 to 50% of load. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
LoadTime50 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Load Time 50-60%. Totals the time spent within 50 to 60% of load. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
LoadTime60 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Load Time 60-70%. Totals the time spent within 60 to 70% of load. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
LoadTime70 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Load Time 70-80%. Totals the time spent within 70 to 80% of load. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
LoadTime80 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Load Time 80-90%. Totals the time spent within 80 to 90% of load. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
LoadTime90 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Load Time 90-100%. Totals the time spent within 90 to 100% of load. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
LongitudinalAcceleration | Acceleration | Instantaneous value for Longitudinal Acceleration. Represents the acceleration of the vehicle parallel to its heading. | 0.0031 m/(s^2) | -100 to 100 m/(s^2) | none |
LostExternalPower | BoolType | Lost External Power. True if the device is using its internal battery. | true or false | none | |
LowBrakeFluid | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Low Brake Fluid. Warns of low brake fluid level; sometimes used for ABS fault. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
LowEngineOilPressure | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Low Engine Oil Pressure. Alarm System warning light (red). Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
LowFuelLevel | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Low Fuel Level. Indicates that refueling is needed. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
LowTirePressure | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Low Tire Pressure. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
LowTirePressure1LA | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Left Side, Tire A Pressure Low. | true or false | 1 days | |
LowTirePressure1LB | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Left Side, Tire B Pressure Low. | true or false | 1 days | |
LowTirePressure1RA | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Right Side, Tire A Pressure Low. | true or false | 1 days | |
LowTirePressure1RB | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Right Side, Tire B Pressure Low. | true or false | 1 days | |
LowTirePressure2LA | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Left Side, Tire A Pressure Low. | true or false | 1 days | |
LowTirePressure2LB | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Left Side, Tire B Pressure Low. | true or false | 1 days | |
LowTirePressure2RA | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Right Side, Tire A Pressure Low. | true or false | 1 days | |
LowTirePressure2RB | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Right Side, Tire B Pressure Low. | true or false | 1 days | |
LowTirePressure3LA | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Left Side, Tire A Pressure Low. | true or false | 1 days | |
LowTirePressure3LB | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Left Side, Tire B Pressure Low. | true or false | 1 days | |
LowTirePressure3RA | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Right Side, Tire A Pressure Low. | true or false | 1 days | |
LowTirePressure3RB | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Right Side, Tire B Pressure Low. | true or false | 1 days | |
LowTrackerBattery | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Low Tracker Battery. Warns that the battery power of the unit is low. | true or false | none | |
LowWindSpeed | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Low Wind Speed. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
ManifoldPressure | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Manifold Pressure. Engine intake manifold air pressure before injection. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 22 minutes |
MaxAccel | Acceleration | Delta value for Max Acceleration. Reports the peak acceleration on the trip. Value expires if ignition is off. | 0.0031 m/(s^2) | -100 to 100 m/(s^2) | none |
MaxDecel | Acceleration | Delta value for Max Deceleration. Reports the peak deceleration on the trip. Value expires if ignition is off. | 0.0031 m/(s^2) | -100 to 100 m/(s^2) | none |
MaxWindSpeed | Speed | Instantaneous value for Maximum wind speed. | 1 km/h | 0 to 65,535 km/h | none |
MilStatus | BoolType | Lifetime value for Malfunction Indicator Lamp Status (DM1). (Diagnostic Message 1: Active Diagnostic Trouble Code) True if the lamp is on. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
MisfireMonitorReady | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Misfire Monitor. Continuous OBDII monitor for misfires, when air/fuel in the cylinder fails to ignite. If severe, OBDII causes the Malfunction Indicator Lamp to flash. False (Not Ready) indicates that monitor tests are incomplete. Normal value is true. | true or false | none | |
MomentPercent | Number | Instantaneous value for Moment %. | 1 % | 0 to 255 % | none |
MomentTime0 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Moment Time 0-10%. Totals the time spent within 0 to 10% of moment. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
MomentTime10 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Moment Time 10-20%. Totals the time spent within 10 to 20% of moment. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
MomentTime100 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Moment Time 100+%. Totals the time spent in excess of 100% of moment. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
MomentTime20 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Moment Time 20-30%. Totals the time spent within 20 to 30% of moment. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
MomentTime30 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Moment Time 30-40%. Totals the time spent within 30 to 40% of moment. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
MomentTime40 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Moment Time 40-50%. Totals the time spent within 40 to 50% of moment. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
MomentTime50 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Moment Time 50-60%. Totals the time spent within 50 to 60% of moment. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
MomentTime60 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Moment Time 60-70%. Totals the time spent within 60 to 70% of moment. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
MomentTime70 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Moment Time 70-80%. Totals the time spent within 70 to 80% of moment. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
MomentTime80 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Moment Time 80-90%. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
MomentTime90 | TimeInterval | Delta value for Moment Time 90-100%. Totals the time spent within 90 to 100% of moment. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
NetBatteryCurrent | ElectricCurrent | Instantaneous value for Net Battery Current. Indicates the amperage flowing into (-) or out of (+) the vehicle's battery. | 1.2 A | -153.6 to 152.4 A | 22 minutes |
O2SensorHeaterMonitorReady | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor. Non-continuous OBDII monitor of the oxygen sensor's heater, if any. False (Not Ready) indicates that monitor tests are incomplete. Normal value is true. | true or false | none | |
O2SensorMonitorReady | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Oxygen Sensor Monitor. Non-continuous OBDII monitor of oxygen sensor performance, which drives fuel usage. False (Not Ready) indicates that monitor tests are incomplete. Normal value is true. | true or false | none | |
OBDII_DTC | Text | Instantaneous value for OBDII DTC. Diagnostic trouble codes for the on-board diagnostics for light vehicles. | Unicode 16-bit character string | none | |
Odometer | Distance | Lifetime value for Odometer. Value is ignored if it is decreasing, excessively high, or too rapid an hourly change. | 1 km | 0 to 4,294,967,295 km | 3 days |
OilLifeRemaining | Number | Instantaneous value for Oil Life Remaining. Ratio of current service life remaining to maximum recommended service life (where 100% indicates fresh oil). | 1 % | 0 to 255 % | 3 days |
OilLifeStatus | Number | Instantaneous value for Oil Life Status. Values: Change Oil (0), Oil OK (1). For vehicles that do not report oil life, the status is either Oil OK or Change Oil. Normal value is 0. | enum | 0 to 1 | none |
OilPressureIndicator | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Oil Pressure Lamp. Warns of inadequate oil pressure or a problem with the detection system. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
OverloadAlarmCount | Number | Delta value for Overload alarms. | count | 0 to 65,535 | none |
OverMomentAlarmCount | Number | Delta value for Moment alarms. | count | 0 to 65,535 | none |
Panic | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Panic. Indicates whether the driver pushed the panic button to signal for help. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
ParkingAndOrTrailerAirPressure | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Parking and/or Trailer Air Pressure. The pneumatic pressure in the circuit or reservoir for the parking brake and or trailer supply. | 1 kPa | 0 to 65,535 kPa | none |
ParkingBrakeEnabled | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Parking Brake Enabled. True if parking break is enabled. | true or false | none | |
PassengerDoorOpen | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Passenger Door. Normal value is false. | true or false | 3 days | |
PhoneNotSeen | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Phone Not Seen. True if the phone is not detected within the allowed time interval. | true or false | none | |
Pitch | Angle | Instantaneous value for Vehicle Pitch Angle. The pitch angle of the vehicle. A positive angle indicates the front of the chassis is higher than the rear of the chassis. | 0.01 ° | -327.68 to 327.67 ° | none |
PlowActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Plow. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
PonyMotorRunning | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Pony Motor Running. Refers to the gas-powered motor that is used to start the main diesel engine. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
PositionIsStale | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Position is Stale. True if the reported position is probably stale and may not be the current position. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
PositionOfDoors | Number | Instantaneous value for Position of Doors. Values: At least 1 door is open (0), Closing last door (1), All doors closed (2). Signal which indicates the actual position of the doors. | enum | 0 to 2 | none |
PrivacyMode | BoolType | Privacy Mode. Indicates the vehicle has entered private mode where no reported points will be recorded. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
ProbableImpact | BoolType | Probable Impact. Sensors on the vehicle have detected an impact indicating a collision may have occurred. | true or false | none | |
PtoEngaged | BoolType | Instantaneous value for PTO. Refers to Power Take Off, the device used to transmit engine power to auxiliary equipment. True if PTO is engaged. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
PumpActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Pump. Normal value is false. | true or false | 3 days | |
PursuitModeEngaged | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Pursuit Mode Engaged. True if the police pursuit vehicle is in pursuit mode or on a high-speed response call. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
Raining | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Raining. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
RearCenterSeatBeltFastened | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Rear Center Seat Belt Fastened. True if the rear center seat belt is fastened. Value expires if ignition is off. | true or false | none | |
RearDoorOpen | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Rear Door. Normal value is false. | true or false | 3 days | |
RearLeftSeatBeltFastened | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Rear Left Seat Belt Fastened. True if the rear left seat belt is fastened. Value expires if ignition is off. | true or false | none | |
RearRightSeatBeltFastened | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Rear Right Seat Belt Fastened. True if the rear right seat belt is fastened. Value expires if ignition is off. | true or false | none | |
RefrigerationManualControl | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Manual Refrigeration Control Switch. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
RefrigerationOnShorePower | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Refrigeration Unit Running on Shore Power. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
RefrigerationOnVehiclePower | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Refrigeration Unit Running on Vehicle Power. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
RefrigerationTemp | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Refrigeration Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 22 minutes |
RefrigerationTemp2 | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Refrigeration Temperature 2. (dual refrigeration units) | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 22 minutes |
Roll | Angle | Instantaneous value for Vehicle Roll Angle. The roll angle of the vehicle. A positive angle indicates the streetside of the chassis is higher than the curbside of the chassis. | 0.01 ° | -327.68 to 327.67 ° | none |
RopCount | Number | Lifetime value for Stability Count. The cumulative number of times the Roll Over Protection (ROP) Engine Control unit or ROP Brake Control was engaged. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 3 days |
RSSI | Number | Instantaneous value for RSSI. (received signal strength indicator) The closer the value is to zero, the better the power level received by the unit. | count | -32,768 to 32,767 | none |
ScanToolConnected | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Diagnostics Scan Tool Connected. Refers to an OBDII-compatible tool for reading DTC codes. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
SeatBeltFastened | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Driver Seatbelt Fastened. True if the driver seatbelt is fastened. Value expires if ignition is off. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
SeatbeltIndicator | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Seatbelt Warning Light. Warning light remains active as long as the vehicle is moving. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
SecondaryAirSystemMonitorReady | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Secondary Air System Monitor. Non-continuous OBDII monitor of the air injection system, if any, which adds oxygen to exhaust to reduce pollutants. False (Not Ready) indicates that monitor tests are incomplete. Normal value is true. | true or false | none | |
ServiceBrakeCircuit1AirPressure | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Service Brake Circuit 1 Air Pressure. The pneumatic pressure in the circuit or reservoir, supplying the rear axle. | 1 kPa | 0 to 65,535 kPa | none |
ServiceBrakeCircuit2AirPressure | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Service Brake Circuit 2 Air Pressure. The pneumatic pressure in the circuit or reservoir, supplying the front axle. | 1 kPa | 0 to 65,535 kPa | none |
ServiceVehicleSoonLight | BoolType | Lifetime value for Service Vehicle Soon Light. Event is triggered when the Service Vehicle Soon (SVS) Dashboard indicator light changes state. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
ShorePowerCount | Number | Lifetime value for Shore Power Port Connection Count. The number of times a connection was plugged into the shore power connection port. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | none |
ShorePowerTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Shore Power Port Connection Time. Total time a connection was plugged into the shore power connection port. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
SideDoorOpen | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Side Door. Normal value is false. | true or false | 3 days | |
SimCardRemoved | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Sim Card Removed. If true, might indicate tampering. | true or false | none | |
SlewingBrakeTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Slewing Brake Time. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
Speed | Speed | Instantaneous value for Vehicle Speed. Vehicle Speed reported on the diagnostic bus Value expires if ignition is off. | 0.02 mph | 0 to 1,465.98 mph | none |
SpeedingOverMax | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Speeding Over Max. True if the speed exceeds the maximum that is allowed by the customer. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
SpeedingOverPosted | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Speeding Over Posted Speed Limit. True if the speed exceeds the posted speed limit plus the configured threshold (defaults to posted speed plus 5 mph). Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
SpinOutEvent | BoolType | Spin Out Event. True if a tire spin out condition is detected, regardless of whether a stability control system is present or enabled. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
StabilityControlEngaged | BoolType | Stability Control Engaged. True if an electronic skid control program is operating, including electronic stability control (ESC), electronic stability program (ESP), or dynamic stability control (DSC). Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
SweeperEngineOn | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Sweeper Engine. Indicates that the vehicle's street-sweeping engine is running. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
TirePressure1LA | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Left Side, Tire A Pressure. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 1 days |
TirePressure1LB | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Left Side, Tire B Pressure. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 1 days |
TirePressure1RA | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Right Side, Tire A Pressure. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 1 days |
TirePressure1RB | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Right Side, Tire B Pressure. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 1 days |
TirePressure2LA | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Left Side, Tire A Pressure. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 1 days |
TirePressure2LB | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Left Side, Tire B Pressure. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 1 days |
TirePressure2RA | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Right Side, Tire A Pressure. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 1 days |
TirePressure2RB | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Right Side, Tire B Pressure. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 1 days |
TirePressure3LA | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Left Side, Tire A Pressure. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 1 days |
TirePressure3LB | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Left Side, Tire B Pressure. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 1 days |
TirePressure3RA | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Right Side, Tire A Pressure. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 1 days |
TirePressure3RB | Pressure | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Right Side, Tire B Pressure. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | 1 days |
TireSensorId1LA | Number | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Left Side, Tire A Sensor ID. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 1 days |
TireSensorId1LB | Number | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Left Side, Tire B Sensor ID. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 1 days |
TireSensorId1RA | Number | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Right Side, Tire A Sensor ID. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 1 days |
TireSensorId1RB | Number | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Right Side, Tire B Sensor ID. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 1 days |
TireSensorId2LA | Number | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Left Side, Tire A Sensor ID. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 1 days |
TireSensorId2LB | Number | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Left Side, Tire B Sensor ID. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 1 days |
TireSensorId2RA | Number | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Right Side, Tire A Sensor ID. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 1 days |
TireSensorId2RB | Number | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Right Side, Tire B Sensor ID. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 1 days |
TireSensorId3LA | Number | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Left Side, Tire A Sensor ID. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 1 days |
TireSensorId3LB | Number | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Left Side, Tire B Sensor ID. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 1 days |
TireSensorId3RA | Number | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Right Side, Tire A Sensor ID. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 1 days |
TireSensorId3RB | Number | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Right Side, Tire B Sensor ID. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | 1 days |
TireTemperature1LA | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Left Side, Tire A Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 1 days |
TireTemperature1LB | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Left Side, Tire B Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 1 days |
TireTemperature1RA | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Right Side, Tire A Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 1 days |
TireTemperature1RB | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Axle 1, Right Side, Tire B Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 1 days |
TireTemperature2LA | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Left Side, Tire A Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 1 days |
TireTemperature2LB | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Left Side, Tire B Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 1 days |
TireTemperature2RA | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Right Side, Tire A Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 1 days |
TireTemperature2RB | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Axle 2, Right Side, Tire B Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 1 days |
TireTemperature3LA | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Left Side, Tire A Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 1 days |
TireTemperature3LB | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Left Side, Tire B Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 1 days |
TireTemperature3RA | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Right Side, Tire A Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 1 days |
TireTemperature3RB | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Axle 3, Right Side, Tire B Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 1 days |
TotalElectricDistance | Distance | Lifetime value for Total Electric Distance. Distance traveled using vehicle battery electric power | 0.001 km | 0 to 4,294,967.295 km | none |
TotalEVEnergyUsed | Energy | Lifetime value for Total EV Energy Used. Total EV energy used, Value is ignored if it is zero, decreasing, excessively high, or too rapid an hourly change. | 0.5 kWh | 0 to 2,147,483,647.5 kWh | none |
TotalFuelUsed | Volume | Lifetime value for Total Fuel Used. Value is ignored if it is zero, decreasing, excessively high, or too rapid an hourly change. | 0.5 L | 0 to 2,147,483,647.5 L | 3 days |
TotalHighGearFuelUsed | Volume | Lifetime value for Total High Gear Fuel Used. Accumulated amount of fuel used during vehicle operation while in high gear. Value is ignored if it is decreasing, excessively high, or too rapid an hourly change. | 0.001 L | 0 to 4,294,967.295 L | 3 days |
TotalHighGearTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Total High Gear Time. | 0.05 hours (3 min) | 0 to 214,748,364.75 hours | none |
TotalIdleFuelUsed | Volume | Lifetime value for Total Idle Fuel Used. Accumulated amount of fuel used during vehicle operation while under idle conditions (engine speed greater than zero and vehicle speed less than 2 km/h). Value is ignored if it is decreasing, excessively high, or too rapid an hourly change. | 0.5 L | 0 to 2,147,483,647.5 L | 3 days |
TotalIdleHours | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Total Idle Hours. Refers to the time spent while under idle conditions (engine speed greater than zero and vehicle speed less than 2 km/h). | 0.05 hours (3 min) | 0 to 214,748,364.75 hours | 3 days |
TotalPtoFuel | Volume | Lifetime value for Total PTO Fuel. Total Fuel Used during Power Take Off(PTO). | 0.001 L | 0 to 4,294,967.295 L | none |
TotalPtoTime | TimeInterval | Instantaneous value for Total PTO Time. Refers to Power Take Off, the device used to transmit engine power to auxiliary equipment. | 0.05 hours (3 min) | -107,374,182.4 to 107,374,182.35 hours | 3 days |
TotalVehicleTime | TimeInterval | Instantaneous value for Total Vehicle Time. | 0.05 hours (3 min) | -107,374,182.4 to 107,374,182.35 hours | 3 days |
TowHaulEnabled | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Tow/Haul Enabled. True if Tow/Haul Mode is enabled. | true or false | none | |
TpmsMinThresholdAxle1 | Pressure | Instantaneous value for TPMS Minimum Threshold - Axle 1 . Tire Pressure Monitoring System setting for the minimum threshold for Axle 1. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | none |
TpmsMinThresholdAxle2 | Pressure | Instantaneous value for TPMS Minimum Threshold - Axle 2. Tire Pressure Monitoring System setting for the minimum threshold for Axle 2. | 0.1 kPa | 0 to 6,553.5 kPa | none |
TrackMotorActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Track Motor. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
TractionBatteryVoltage | ElectricPotential | Instantaneous value for Traction Battery Voltage. Traction Battery potential | 1 V | 0 to 65,535 V | none |
TractionControlEnabled | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Traction Control Enabled. True if the Traction Control system is enabled. | true or false | none | |
TractionControlEngaged | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Traction Control Engaged. True if Traction Control is engaged. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
TrailerBrakeGain | Number | Instantaneous value for Trailer Brake Gain. Instantaneous value for the trailer brake gain setting. | count | 0 to 25.5 | none |
TrailerBrakeType | Number | Instantaneous value for Trailer Brake Type. Values: Light Electric (0), Heavy Electric (1), Light Electric Over Hydraulic (2), Heavy Electric Over Hydraulic (3). Instantaneous value for the trailer brake type. | enum | 0 to 3 | none |
TrailerCoupled | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Trailer Coupled. Indicates whether the trailer is secured to the vehicle. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
TransferCaseSelection | Number | Instantaneous value for Transfer Case Selection. Values: 4 Wheel Drive, Low Gearing (1), 4 Wheel Drive, High Gearing (2), 2 Wheel Drive, High Gearing (3), Neutral (4), Auto Select (5). Instantaneous value for the transfer case selection. | enum | 1 to 5 | none |
TransmissionControlSystemMalfunction | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Transmission Control System Malfunction. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
TransmissionFluidTemp | Temperature | Instantaneous value for Transmission Fluid Temperature. | 0.1 C | -3,276.8 to 3,276.7 C | 22 minutes |
TransmissionOilLevel | Number | Instantaneous value for Transmission Oil Level. | 0.498 % | 0 to 127.5 % | 22 minutes |
TransmissionOutputShaft | Frequency | Instantaneous value for Transmission Output Shaft. Calculated speed of the transmission output. | 1 rpm | 0 to 65,535 rpm | none |
TransmissionOverTempCondition | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Transmission Over Temperature Condition. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
TrashcanFull | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Trashcan Full. Indicates that the vehicle's collection bin needs to be serviced. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
TravelingBrakeTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Travelling Brake Time. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
TriggerNotSeen | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Trigger Not Seen. Trigger is the device that connects to the phone. True if the trigger is not detected within the allowed time interval. | true or false | none | |
TripACEnergyUsed | Energy | Delta value for Trip Air Conditioner Energy Used. Amount of electricity used for air conditioning on this trip. | 0.01 Wh | -10,737,418.24 to 10,737,418.24 Wh | none |
TripAuxEnergyUsed | Energy | Delta value for Trip Auxiliary Electrical Energy Used. Amount of electricity used by auxiliary equipment on this trip. | 1.949E+286 Wh | -1.798E+305 to 1.798E+305 Wh | none |
TripBatteryEnergy | Energy | Instantaneous value for Trip Battery Energy. The total amount of energy used by an electric vehicle in a trip. Value is ignored if it is zero, excessively high. | 0.01 kWh | 0 to 42,949,672.95 kWh | none |
TripCruiseControlTime | TimeInterval | Delta value for Trip Time With Cruise Control On. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
TripDistance | Distance | Delta value for Trip Distance. Distance traveled during all or part of the trip. | 0.001 km | 0 to 4,294,967.295 km | none |
TripDriveMotorEnergyGenerated | Energy | Delta value for Trip Drive Motor Energy Generated. Amount of drive motor electricity generated on this trip. | 9.745E+286 Wh | -8.988E+305 to 8.988E+305 Wh | none |
TripDriveMotorEnergyUsed | Energy | Delta value for Trip Drive Motor Energy Used. Amount of drive motor electricity consumed on this trip. | 9.745E+286 Wh | -8.988E+305 to 8.988E+305 Wh | none |
TripDrivingWithoutPassengerSeatbeltTime | TimeInterval | Delta value for Trip Time Driving Without Passenger Seatbelt. Time spent driving without the front passenger seatbelt fastened on this trip while a passenger was in the seat. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
TripDrivingWithoutSeatbeltTime | TimeInterval | Delta value for Trip Time Driving Without Driver Seatbelt. Time spent driving without the driver seatbelt fastened on this trip. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
TripDuration | TimeInterval | Delta value for Trip Duration. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
TripEngineOverspeedDuration | TimeInterval | Delta value for Trip Engine Overspeed Duration. Time the engine spent over the RPM threshold. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
TripFuelUsed | Volume | Delta value for Trip Fuel Used. Fuel consumed since the last time this parameter was reported. | 0.001 L | -2,147,483.648 to 2,147,483.647 L | none |
TripFuelUsed2 | Volume | Delta value for Trip Fuel Used 2. (dual engines) The fuel used by the secondary engine on the trip. | 0.001 L | -2,147,483.648 to 2,147,483.647 L | none |
TripFullThrottleTime | TimeInterval | Delta value for Trip Time At Full Throttle. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
TripHighGearTime | TimeInterval | Delta value for Trip High Gear Time. | 1 second | 0 to 65,535 seconds | none |
TripHighRpmTime | TimeInterval | Delta value for Trip Time With RPM High. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
TripIdleEnergyUsed | Energy | Delta value for Trip Idle Electrical Energy Used. Amount of electricity consumed at idling on this trip. | 0 Wh | -2,147,483.65 to 2,147,483.65 Wh | none |
TripIdleFuelUsed | Volume | Delta value for Trip Fuel Used Idling. Indicates how much fuel was consumed by engine idling (engine speed greater than zero and vehicle speed less than 2 km/h) on this trip. | 0.001 L | 0 to 65.535 L | none |
TripMaxEngineSpeed | Frequency | Delta value for Trip Max Engine Speed. Peak engine speed over a time period. | 1 RPM | 0 to 65,535 RPM | none |
TripMaxSpeed | Speed | Delta value for Trip Max Vehicle Speed. The maximum speed of the vehicle over a period of time. | 1 km/h | 0 to 65,535 km/h | 22 minutes |
TripOptimalRpmTime | TimeInterval | Delta value for Trip Time In Optimal RPM Range. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
TripSpeedingTime | TimeInterval | Delta value for Trip Time Speeding. Time the vehicle spent over the customer's speed threshold. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
TrolleyingBrakeTime | TimeInterval | Lifetime value for Trolleying Brake Time. | 1 second | 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds | none |
TurnSignalActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Turn Signal Status. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
UnauthorizedMovement | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Unauthorized Movement. True if unauthorized vehicle movement (such as with engine off) is detected. | true or false | none | |
UpperBoomHighSpeedCount | Number | Lifetime value for Upper Boom Count (High Speed). Count of times the upper boom has been moved in the range defined as 'high speed'. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | none |
UpperBoomLowSpeedCount | Number | Lifetime value for Upper Boom Count (Low Speed). Count of times the upper boom has been moved in the range defined as 'low speed'. | count | 0 to 4,294,967,295 | none |
UreaConsumption | FlowRate | Instantaneous value for Urea Consumption. Actual reducing agent quantity of SCR system. | 0.01 gal/hour | 0 to 42,949,672.95 gal/hour | none |
UreaRestriction | Number | Instantaneous value for Urea Restriction. Values: Full tank no restrictions (0), Restriction Active (1-11). Refers to the restriction status of the urea in the Diesel Emission Fluid (DEF) injection system. 'Full tank no restrictions' (0) is the base, and higher values indicate increasing restrictions. Normal value is 0. | enum | 0 to 11 | 3 days |
UreaTankContaminated | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality Warning. True if the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) injection system has determined the Urea tank is contaminated. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
UreaTankLevelWarning | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Diesel Exhaust Fluid Level Warning. True if the warning lamp for the urea tank level in the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) injection system is on. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
UserSpecificInput | BoolType | Instantaneous value for User Specific Input. User specific true/false digital input. | true or false | none | |
VehicleLoaded | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Vehicle Loaded. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
VerticalAcceleration | Acceleration | Instantaneous value for Vertical Acceleration. Represents the acceleration of the vehicle due to a vertical component relative to the horizontal plane. | 0.0031 m/(s^2) | -100 to 100 m/(s^2) | none |
WakeUp | BoolType | Wake Up. Indicates this point was generated by the device waking from sleep | true or false | none | |
WasherFluidLevel | Number | Instantaneous value for Washer Fluid Level. Refers to the remaining level of the windshield washer fluid, where 100% is full. | 0.498 % | 0 to 127.5 % | 22 minutes |
WaterInFuel | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Water In Fuel. True if an unacceptable amount of water is present in the fuel. Normal value is false. | true or false | 22 minutes | |
WeightExceedsScaleSetting | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Weight Exceeds Onboard Scale Setting. True if weight exceeds threshold that is set for the vehicle's onboard scale. | true or false | none | |
WelderActive | BoolType | Instantaneous value for Welder. Normal value is false. | true or false | none | |
WindSpeedAlarmCount | Number | Delta value for Wind alarms. | count | 0 to 65,535 | none |
WindSpeedPreAlarmCount | Number | Delta value for Wind pre-alarms. | count | 0 to 65,535 | none |
YawRate | Frequency | Instantaneous value for Yaw Rate. Measures rotational speed (angular velocity, in radians per second) as how far off-axis the vehicle is tilting in a turn. | 0 rad/s | -32.77 to 32.77 rad/s | none |