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6: User Script Errors
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An error occured using user scripts.

This topic contains the following sections:

6.1: User Script Definition Error
Error Code Description
6.1 General user script definition error.
6.1.1 Script cannot be empty.
6.1.2 The TDE object must not be redefined as part of the user script.
6.1.3 The tde.functions object must not be redefined as part of the user script.
6.1.4 onRow must be a function.
6.1.5 onRowsFinished must be a function.
6.1.6 onCommit must be a function.
6.1.7 onFinalize must be a function.
6.2: User Script Execution Errors
Error Code Description
6.2 Error executing user script.
6.2.1 User script had an error.
6.2.2 External keys are not supported in user script.
6.2.3 User script onRow function returned bad data.
6.2.4 User script onRowsFinished function returned bad data.
6.2.5 User script onCommit function returned bad data.
6.2.6 User script execution exceeded max allowed statements.