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Category Fields
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The Category type exposes the following members.

Public fieldID
Unique ID for this category
Public fieldProperties
Name Type Description
ListColor String For displaying the vehicles list, specifies the background color for vehicles that are stopped at a marker in this category.
HistoryColor String For displaying the history details list, specifies the background color for vehicles that are stopped at a marker in this category.
ReportColor String For displaying report entries, specifies the color to use to highlight vehicles that are stopped at a marker in this category.
Icon1 String Sets the system icon to display for this category. Enter a value 000 through 255 (referring to the order in the UI) or a named value (ex.: 'blue_tl' points top-left, 'green_d' points down).
OnlyShowOwned Boolean True if the category restricts the visibility of its markers to only those owned by the current user.
HasDepot Boolean True if the category has a depot.
Public fieldTag
User-defined tag that may be used to search for categories
See Also