Data types and objects |
Date and Time
All timestamps are specified in ISO 8601 combined date-and-time representation (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]) in UTC (Z).
Not supported: ISO 8601 Time offsets from UTC, Durations, Time Intervals, and Repeating Intervals.
JSON types and object definitions
These are the basic JSON data types used by TDE:
Number (double, integer)
String (double-quoted, with backslash escaping)
Boolean (true/false)
null (empty)
Array (comma-separated and enclosed in square brackets: [])
Object (unordered "key":"value" pairs, comma-separated and enclosed in curly braces: {})
All TDE REST data and messages are transferred as JSON Objects. The objects listed below represent the standard data definitions that are used in the REST calls.
This topic contains the following sections:
The Address object represents a specific street address location.
Member | Type | Purpose |
street | string | The street number and name of the address. |
city | string | The city in which the address is located. |
region | string | The region in which the address is located (e.g., state or province). |
postalCode | string | The postal code or zip code of the address. |
lat | double | (required for POST) The latitude of the address in decimal degrees. |
lon | double | (required for POST) The longitude of the address in decimal degrees. |
bearingFromStreet | double? | The side of the road on which the address is located, indicated as an angle in decimal degrees (0 is north, 90 is east). |
suburb | string | The suburb in which the address is located. |
[{ "street":"123 Fourth Street", "city":"Los Angeles", "region":"CA", "postalCode":"95032", "lat":33.88512755944501, "lon":-117.4450559127885, "bearingFromStreet":236.5594450885127 }]
[{ "street":"139 Vivian St [Sh 1]", "city":"Wellington", "region":"Wellington", "postalCode":"6011", "lat":-41.29509397119844, "lon":174.7757968172906, "bearingFromStreet":200.58920891441147, "suburb":"Te Aro" }]
The Driver object contains the detailed information known about a driver.
Member | Type | Purpose |
employeeNumber | string | The company-specific employee number for the driver. |
username | string | The username used by the driver to log in. |
firstname | string | The driver's given (first) name. |
surname | string | The driver's family (last) name. |
mobilePhone | string | The driver's mobile phone number. Must be a valid mobile phone number. |
basedAt | string | The home base of the driver. |
ruleType | string | For HOS compliance, specifies which rules apply. Values: The type of Hours of Service (HoS) rules. Values: Default, Federal60, Federal70, Texas70, California80, CanadaSouth70, CanadaSouth120, BritishColumbia70, BritishColumbia120, Alberta, Florida70, Florida80. |
depotId | string | The ID of the depot. |
depotLocation | string | The location of the depot as a lat/lon pair. |
nickname | string | The unique name for the driver. |
unitId | string | The Id of the unit that the driver is assigned to. If no unit is returned, the driver is currently unassigned. |
tags | string[] | List of tags assigned to the driver. |
id | int? | Uniquely identifies the driver. This is an integer identifier. |
licenseNo | string | The user's drivers license number. |
licenseState | string | The state the drivers license was issued. |
licenseClass | string | The class of the drivers license. |
licenseExpiry | string | The expire date of the drivers license (in UTC, as "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"). |
custom | JSON object | (read-only) Contains one or more key-value pairs for any custom fields and values defined for the driver. The items returned for this object can vary between drivers. |
[{ "employeeNumber":"12345", "username":"ABC", "firstname":"Daniel", "surname":"Smith", "mobilePhone":"555-555-5555", "basedAt":"225 New Beason Well Rd, Kingsport, Tennessee, 37660", "ruleType":"Federal", "depotId":"203291843", "depotLocation":"36.575724,-82.494994", "nickname":"Daniel Smith", "tags":["Class32", "HeavyVehicleLicense"], "id":"1234567890" }]
The Driver Assignment object represents a period of time a Driver was assigned to a Vehicle.
Member | Type | Purpose |
id | string | The unique integer identifier for this assignment record. |
unitId | string | The unique integer identifier of the vehicle for which this assignment occurred. |
from | string | The ISO 8601 timestamp of the assignment start time. |
to | string | The ISO 8601 timestamp of the assignment end time. |
[{ "id":"1234567890", "unitId":"1234567891", "from":"2014-08-22T14:30:00Z", "to":"2014-08-22T18:00:00Z" }]
The Driver Assignment Update object represents the vehicle and optional time at which an assignment or unassignment occurred.
Member | Type | Purpose |
id | string | The integer identifier for the vehicle to be assigned to the authenticated driver. |
timeOccurred | string | (optional) The ISO 8601 timestamp for when the driver assignment event occurred. If not provided, it is set by the server automatically. |
[{ "id":"12345", "timeOccured":"2012-07-16T14:15:00Z" }]
The Event object represents an HOS (hours of service) status event that a driver creates by changing driving status. This object consists of a time when the status is changed, the new status, the location at where the change happened, and whether the event has been signed.
Member | Type | Purpose | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
id | string | (preferred but not required due to backwards compatibility) A GUID for the event, used for creating, updating or deleting a specific event. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
status | string | Indicates the type of the event (the driver's new status). Values: OffDuty (default), Driving, OnDutyNotDriving, HoS16HourExtension, SleeperBerth, InOilfield, OffDutyWellSite, OutOilfield, WeeklyReset, SensorActive, SensorFailed, ShortWorkShiftReset, SignedEmptyDay. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
eventTime | string | The ISO 8601 timestamp of the status change. TDE prevents assigning future times, beyond a few minutes allowed for variance among clocks. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
modifiedTime | string | The ISO 8601 timestamp of the last modification to the event. TDE prevents assigning future times, beyond a few minutes allowed for variance among clocks. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
location | Address | (required on create if Remarks is blank) The location where the event occurred (where the driver changed status).
signatureId | string | Unique identifier for the driver's signature data. If set, this indicates that the event has been signed by the driver. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
remarks | string | (required on create if Location is blank) An arbitrary string of notes attached to the event. This field can be updated through the API. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
properties | EventProperties | (optional) Includes any additional information related to the event. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
custom | JSON object | (optional) Contains one or more custom key-value pairs to hold additional data associated with the event or its location. Each POST updates the contents of this field and adds any new set of key-value pairs. To delete a key, set it to null explicitly, as foo:null. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
version | int | (read-only) Version number that increments with each editing of the event (1 indicates the original version). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
odoDetails | Odometer | Odometer data supports compliance reporting and differentiates between unit-supplied and driver-supplied data.
[{ "id":"abcdefa01234567abcdefa0123456789", "status":"OffDuty", "eventTime":"2012-07-16T14:15:00Z", "modifiedTime":"2012-07-16T14:15:00Z", "location":{ "street":"123 Fourth Street", "city":"Los Angeles", "region":"CA", "postalCode":"95032", "lat":33.88512755944501, "lon":-117.4450559127885, "bearingFromStreet":236.5594450885127 }, "signatureId":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789", "remarks":"Severe weather warning", "properties":{ "depotId":"0" }, "custom":{ "consecutive days":3, "berth":true, "location code":"ORD987345" }, "odoDetails":{ "unitId":1234567890, "odo":24764.78, "time":"2012-07-16T14:15:00Z", "source":"user" }, "version":2 } }]
The Form object represents a single instance of a Form template. It may be submitted or saved, so that it can be completed and submitted later. When submitted, it includes the values entered by the driver. The structure of the form itself is determined by the associated template.
Member | Type | Purpose | |||||||||||||||
id | string | (required) A GUID that uniquely identifies the form. | |||||||||||||||
versionId | string | (required) A GUID that uniquely identifies the revision of the form. | |||||||||||||||
previousVersionId | string | (required if a previous revision exists) A GUID that uniquely identifies this revision's parent revision. | |||||||||||||||
template | string | (required) A GUID that uniquely identifies the template on which this form is based. | |||||||||||||||
status | string | Indicates the current status of the form. Values: Submitted (default), Saved. This field can be updated through the API. If not specified, this field defaults to Submitted. If Saved, the form can be retrieved for completion and submission. | |||||||||||||||
submissionTime | string | The ISO 8601 timestamp for when this form was changed to Submitted. Read-only once set. If not provided, it is set by the server automatically. | |||||||||||||||
values | string | (required) A string containing an XML document that contains all the values submitted by the user into this form. The structure of this XML document should match the form template: This field can be updated through the API. | |||||||||||||||
job | string | Uniquely identifies the job that is associated with this form. This field is required when creating a new form. | |||||||||||||||
lastUpdateTime | string | (read-only) The most recent timestamp for the form, which is the submitted time, update time, or creation time (in that order). | |||||||||||||||
driverName | string | (read-only) The tag for the driver who is associated with the form. | |||||||||||||||
unitName | string | (read-only) The tag for the driver's unit at the time that the form was last updated. | |||||||||||||||
jobName | string | (read-only) The tag for the job that is associated with the form. | |||||||||||||||
address | string | (read-only) The form's address, which is the driver's location (usually the job site) when last updating the form. | |||||||||||||||
formType | string | (read-only) The form's type, which is given by the template that this form is based on. This is "standard" by default. | |||||||||||||||
readOnly | bool? | (read-only) Indicates whether form cannot be edited. | |||||||||||||||
versionNumber | int? | (read-only) The current version number of the form instance. The version number starts at 1 and increments on the next revision after each submitted revision. Saved revisions share the same version number as their submitted revision. | |||||||||||||||
previousVersions | Form[] | (read-only) The list of previously submitted form objects (the content of this property is controlled by the "history" request parameter). | |||||||||||||||
fields | FormField[] | (read-only) The content of the form as a flat list of the Field objects detailed below (this property is omitted by default, to include use the "return_fields=true" request parameter).
templateRevisionNumber | int? | (read-only) The revision number of the template used to create this form. | |||||||||||||||
openTime | string | (read-only) Time when the form was most recently opened by the user for editing. | |||||||||||||||
closeTime | string | (read-only) Time when the form was most recently closed by the user after editing was complete. | |||||||||||||||
openDuration | int | (read-only) The length of time that this form revision was edited for, in seconds |
[{ "id":"eb8fab4eae8b4634932f5c0e71e11463", "status":"Submitted", "template":"635df5b638ad45d4ac1e631139634003", "submissionTime":"2013-04-23T22:14:55Z", "values":"<instance name=\"Update notes\" loc=\"33.584173,-117.731575\">\u000d\u000a <textbox name=\"Notes\" lines=\"10\">notes<\/textbox>\u000d\u000a<\/instance>", "job":"6e8c2379d81f4ae78b4ddc03ce7ed35d", "lastUpdateTime":"2013-04-23T22:14:55Z", "driverName":"Sam Bass", "unitName":"MackD-1023", "jobName":"2013Q2Regrade", "address":"20 Enterprise, Aliso Viejo, CA", "formType":"standard", "readOnly":"true", "versionNumber":"1", "versionId":"06ca5b92881346649b7a007859570dd8", "previousVersions":[], "fields":[ { "id":"12", "name":"abcd", "type":"textbox", "value":"efgh" }, { "id":"34", "name":"ijkl", "type":"textbox", "value":"mnop" } "], "templateRevisionNumber":1 }]
The Form Event object represents a single event, identified by the eventCode, recorded against a version of a Form. The eventCode is a free text code to describe / identify the event was recorded.
Member | Type | Purpose |
id | string | (read-only) Uniquely identifies the form event. This is an alphanumeric identifier. |
formVersionId | string | Identifies the version id of the form this event belongs to. |
eventCode | string | Free text event description code. |
createTime | string | The timestamp when the event was created. |
formId | string | (read-only) Identifies the form this event belongs to. |
formVersionNumber | int | (read-only) Identifies the version number of the form this event belongs to. |
driverName | string | (read-only) The name of the driver who created this event. |
[{ "id":"eb8fab4eae8b4634932f5c0e71e11463", "formId":"635df5b638ad45d4ac1e631139634003", "formVersionId":"6e8c2379d81f4ae78b4ddc03ce7ed35d", "formVersionNumber":"06ca5b92881346649b7a007859570dd8", "driverName":"Sam Bass", "eventCode":"DVIR.3rdSignature.DriverDecidedToDriveTheFailedVehicle", "createTime":"2013-04-23T22:14:55Z" }]
The Form Template object represents the template from which form instances are created.
Member | Type | Purpose |
id | string | Uniquely identifies the template. This is an alphanumeric identifier. |
name | string | The human-readable name of the template. |
definition | string | A string containing an XML document that defines the Form Template. |
formType | string | Type of the form template, which is "standard" by default. |
revisionNumber | int | Revision number that increments with each editing of the event (1 indicates the original version). |
previousRevisions | string[] | List of previous definition XMLs in chronological order (the content of this property is controlled by the "history" request parameter). |
[{ "id":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789", "name":"Basic update", "definition":"<instance name=\"Update notes\" loc=\"-43.5443,172.591\"><textbox name=\"Notes\" lines=\"10\">notes</textbox></instance>", "formType":"standard", "revisionNumber":1, "previousRevisions":[] }]
The HOS Summary object represents an HOS (hours of service) summary needed for compliance reporting.
Member | Type | Purpose | ||||||||||||
driverId | string | A unique identifier (as an integer) for the driver, used to GET any HOS summary (not used for POST). | ||||||||||||
date | string | (required for POST) The date (as "yyyy-MM-dd") in the driver's time zone at the time of the report. | ||||||||||||
submissionTime | string | The time (in UTC, as "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") when the driver filled out the report, not when the REST call is made. Unless it is supplied on POST, it defaults to the time that the server received it. | ||||||||||||
startOdometer | double | (optional) The user-supplied odometer reading (in miles) at the start of the driver shift that is being summarized. | ||||||||||||
endOdometer | double | (optional) The user-supplied odometer reading (in miles) at the end of the driver shift that is being summarized. Unless the Unit has a more recent reading, it updates the Unit.Odometer value as well. | ||||||||||||
drivingMiles | double | The number of miles actively driven by the driver, regardless of vehicle. | ||||||||||||
nonDrivingMiles | double | The number of miles completed by the driver as a passenger, regardless of vehicle. | ||||||||||||
unitId | string | A unique identifier (as an integer) for the unit, either the one assigned to the current driver or an identifier supplied by the driver. | ||||||||||||
trailerNumber | string | (optional) The number of the trailer included in this shift. | ||||||||||||
coDriverName | string | (optional) The name of the additional driver included in this shift. | ||||||||||||
shipment | ShipmentInfo | (optional)
id | string | (preferred but not required, due to backwards compatibility) A GUID for the HOS summary, used for creating, updating, or deleting a specific summary. | ||||||||||||
vehicleBegin | string | The start time for the driver's service in this vehicle, given as "HH:MM:SS" in driver's local time zone. Defaults to 00:00:00 if not specified. | ||||||||||||
vehicleEnd | string | The end time for the driver's service in this vehicle, given as "HH:MM:SS" in driver's local time zone. Cannot be specified if vehicleBegin is not specified. Remains null if vehicleBegin alone is provided. Defaults to 23:59:59 if neither is specified. | ||||||||||||
signatureId | string | (read-only) A unique identifier for the driver's signature associated with the Hours Of Service summary event. It may be null if there is no signature. |
[{ "driverId":"1234567890", "date":"2012-07-16", "submissionTime":"2012-07-16T13:49:00Z", "startOdometer":136789.2, "endOdometer":136809.5, "drivingMiles":20.3, "nonDrivingMiles":5.6, "unitId":"1234567890", "trailerNumber":"AB123456789", "coDriverName":"Sam Bass", "shipment":{ "manifestNo":"XYZ-123", "shipper":"Acme Co.", "commodity":"concrete block" }, "id":"abcdefa01234567abcdefa0123456789", "vehicleBegin":"00:00:00", "vehicleEnd":"23:59:59", "signatureId":"eb8fab4e-ae8b-4634-932f5c0e71e1" }]
The Job object represents a single work order assigned to a driver. It consists of a location, estimated times of arrival and completion, and (optionally) a form to be filled out upon Job completion.
![]() |
When you create or update a job, you must provide either the address or the marker ID, but do not include both. If you provide the address, TDE must create a new marker and associate that marker ID with the job. Whenever possible, specify the marker ID, which prevents creation of unnecessary markers and populates the address. |
Member | Type | Purpose | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
id | string | (read-only) Uniquely identifies the job. This is an alphanumeric identifier. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
status | string | Indicates the current status of the job. Values: Rejected (driver rejected the job), Todo (job is on route but not yet reached), EnRoute (previous job done but not yet reached next), OnSite (driver is at job), Completed. This field can be updated through the API. If not specified, this field defaults to Todo. |
address | Address | The address and location of the Job site, where the driver must go in order to perform a job:
expectedArrival | string | The ISO 8601 timestamp for the expected arrival at the Job. If no timezone info is supplied, this value is assumed to be UTC (Zulu). This is an absolute time, not a time interval. This field can be updated through the API. It may also be modified by the server during optimization. This field is required when creating a new job. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
minutesOnSite | int | (optional) The estimated number of minutes that will be spent on-site to complete this job. This field can be updated through the API. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
forms | string[] | (read-only) An array of IDs for completed forms, containing from 0..n form IDs. See Form.Job as well. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
notes | string | (optional) An arbitrary string of notes to attach to the Job. This field can be updated through the API. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
jobType | string | (optional) The id for the job type that this job is based on. See GET /job_types. If the job type not supplied when a new job is created, the job is given a type of "Stop". | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
jobName | string | (optional) A human-readable job name. This is the name as entered by the user in Response, or as it displays in Response if it was submitted via the API. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
lastUpdateTime | string | (read-only) The ISO 8601 timestamp for when the Job was last updated. This field is used to filter jobs when you use the updated_since query string parameter. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
statusLastUpdateTime | string | (read-only) The ISO 8601 timestamp for when the Job Status was last updated. This field is used to filter jobs when you use the updated_since query string parameter. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
actualArrival | string | The ISO 8601 timestamp for the actual arrival at the Job. If no timezone info is supplied, this value is assumed to be UTC (Zulu). This field can be updated through the API, but only when setting status to OnSite or Completed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
actualDeparture | string | The ISO 8601 timestamp for the actual departure from the Job. If no timezone info is supplied, this value is assumed to be UTC (Zulu). This field can be updated through the API, but only when setting status to Completed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
markerId | string | Uniquely identifies the marker for the job's location. When you create or update a job, provide the markerId, which will auto-populate the address (do not include both). If you cannot provide the markerId, you must provide the address, for which TDE will create a new marker that is associated with the job. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
code | string | Free-form text that can be used to categorize the job. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
routeId | string | (optional) Uniquely identifies the route for the job, if it exists. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
routeName | string | (read-only) The human-readable name of the route. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
custom | JSON object | (read-only) Contains one or more key-value pairs for any custom fields and values defined for the job. The items returned for this object can vary between jobs. |
Example - note the square brackets for the array of forms:
[{ "id":"abcdefa01234567abcdefa0123456789", "status":"Completed", "address":{ "street":"123 Fourth Street", "city":"Los Angeles", "region":"CA", "postalCode":"95032", "lat":33.88512755944501, "lon":-117.4450559127885, "bearingFromStreet":236.5594450885127 }, "expectedArrival":"2012-07-16T13:00:00Z", "minutesOnSite":10, "forms":["Form1","Form2"], "notes":"Standard service only", "jobType":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789", "jobName":"Maintenance", "lastUpdateTime":"2012-07-16T14:15:00Z", "statusLastUpdateTime":"2012-07-16T14:15:00Z", "actualArrival":"2012-07-16T13:49:00Z", "actualDeparture":"2012-07-16T14:03:00Z", "markerId":"1234567890", "code":"CD2", "routeId":"eb8fab4e-ae8b-4634-932f5c0e71e1", "routeName":"Route1", "custom":{ "days":"Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday", "status":"ABC", "customerphone":"(555)555-5555", "customerid":"3165497" } }]
The Job Type object represents a job type defined by for the customer account.
Member | Type | Purpose |
id | string | Uniquely identifies the job type. This is an alphanumeric identifier. |
name | string | A human-readable name for the job type. |
formTemplates | FormTemplate[] | (read-only) An array of form template objects, containing from 0...n. |
systemType | string | (read-only) A human-readable name for the system type (empty if user created type). |
Example - note the square brackets for the array of templates:
[{ "id":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789", "name":"Repairs", "formTemplates":[ {"id":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789","name":"template 1"}, {"id":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789","name":"template 2"} ] }]
The Location (point) object provides details about the location and status of a vehicle at a particular time.
Member | Type | Purpose |
unit_id | string | (optional) Identifies the vehicle that was at the location. |
driver_id | string | Identifies the driver that was at the location. |
time | string | The ISO 8601 timestamp for when the point was generated. |
tag | string | The name of the vehicle at the location. |
vin | string | The VIN (vehicle identification number) of the vehicle at the location. |
lat | string | The latitude of the location, in decimal degrees. |
lon | string | The longitude of the location, in decimal degrees. |
gpsQuality | string | The quality of the GPS fix. Values: (0) Off, (1) NoFix, (2) Unreliable, (3) Excellent. Use the number or the word for the value. |
speed | string | The speed of the vehicle, in kilometers per hour. |
heading | string | The heading (direction) of the vehicle, in degrees (0 is north, 90 is east). |
serialNumber | string | (optional) The serial number of the device installed in the vehicle that was at the location. Note that, if unit_id is not specified, this field is used along with unitType to identify the vehicle. If neither unit_id nor serialNumber and unitType are specified, then the unit is assumed to be the one currently assigned to driver that is currently logged in. |
unitType | string | (optional) The type of unit hardware installed in the vehicle that was at the location. |
ignition | string | True (1) if the ignition is on; false (0) if not. |
[{ "unit_id":"1234567890", "driver_id":"1234567890", "serialNumber":"12345678901234567", "time":"2012-07-16T13:49:00Z", "tag":"MackD-1023", "lat":33.88512755944501, "lon":-117.4450559127885, "gpsQuality":"Excellent", "speed":53, "heading":97, "ignition":true }]
The LoginResponse object provides the authentication token string and details about who was granted the token.
Member | Type | Purpose |
token | Guid | The authentication token (GUID) to be included with subsequent template requests. Obtaining this indicates a successful log in. |
customerName | string | (read-only) The name of the customer who was granted the token. |
username | string | (read-only) The name of the user who was granted the token. |
customerId | int | (read-only) The ID of the customer who was granted the token. |
userId | int | (read-only) The ID of the user who was granted the token. |
apiHost | string | (read-only) The host location to use for subsequent TDE requests. |
{ "token":"06ca5b92881346649b7a007859570dd8", "customerName":"Acme", "username":"main", "customerId":123567, "userId":654321 }
All information known about media for a user.
Member | Type | Purpose |
version | string | The version of the media information. |
channels | MediaChannel[] | The list of channels |
[{ "version":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789", "channels":[{ "id":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789", "name":"May's Videos", "description":"All videos taken in May", "videos":[{ "id":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789", "name":"ABIA-terminal", "description":"Taken from phone.", "originalUrl":"", "thumbnailUrl":"", "duration":80, "lastUpdateTime":"2013-08-22T13:43:54Z", "contentType":"application/octet-stream" }] }] }]
Detailed information known about a channel.
Member | Type | Purpose |
id | string | The ID of the video channel. |
name | string | The name of the channel. |
description | string | The description of the channel. |
videos | MediaVideo[] | The list of videos for this channel. |
[{ "id":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789", "name":"May's Videos", "description":"All videos taken in May", "videos":[{ "id":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789", "name":"ABIA-terminal", "description":"Taken from phone.", "originalUrl":"", "thumbnailUrl":"", "duration":80, "lastUpdateTime":"2013-08-22T13:43:54Z", "contentType":"application/octet-stream" }] }]
Detailed information known about a video.
Member | Type | Purpose |
id | string | The ID of the video. |
name | string | The name of the video file. If the file extension is not specified, browser clients derive it from the content type. |
description | string | The description of the video file. |
originalUrl | string | The default URL to the video file. |
thumbnailUrl | string | The URL to the thumbnail image of the video file (optional). |
duration | int | The duration of the video file in seconds. |
lastUpdateTime | string | The time the video file was last edited. |
contentType | string | (read-only) The MIME Content-Type (file format) of the video. |
{ "id":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789", "name":"ABIA-terminal", "description":"Taken from phone.", "originalUrl":"", "thumbnailUrl":"", "duration":80, "lastUpdateTime":"2013-08-22T13:43:54Z", "contentType":"application/octet-stream" }
The NewPhoto object returns the identifiers associated with an image file that was just successfully uploaded as part of performing and completing jobs.
Member | Type | Purpose |
id | Guid | The GUID of the photo. If you lost connection and miss this response, you can repeat the POST and TDE will return the GUID to you. |
putUrl | Uri | The full URL to the newly uploaded photo image file. If the photo is being hosted elsewhere, then the attachments handler redirects the client to it. |
alreadyExists | string | (optional) Indicates that TDE detected a prior post of this photo, so it is returning the identifiers for the original post. |
[{ "id": "abcdefa01234567abcdefa0123456789", "putUrl": "/attachments/abcdefa01234567abcdefa0123456789" }]
The PayloadMessage object holds message data associated with jobs, units, or drivers, to support message and alert generation directly from TDE.
Member | Type | Purpose |
timestamp | string | (optional) The ISO 8601 timestamp for when the payload message was generated. If not supplied, defaults to the server's time in UTC. |
targetType | string | (required) Specifies what kind of target the message describes. Values: (1) unit, (2) driver, (3) job. Use the number or the word for the value. The associated Id must be supplied. |
unitId | string | (required for targetType 1/unit) Identifies the vehicle that is associated with the message. |
driverId | string | (required for targetType 2/driver) Identifies the driver that is associated with the message. |
jobId | string | (required for targetType 3/job) Identifies the job that is associated with the message. |
lat | double? | (optional) The latitude of the location, in degrees. The value can be given as a string. |
lon | double? | (optional) The longitude of the location, in degrees. The value can be given as a string. |
gpsQuality | string | (optional) The quality of the GPS fix. Values: (0) Off, (1) NoFix, (2) Unreliable, (3) Excellent. Use the number or the word for the value. |
heading | int? | (optional) The heading (direction) of the vehicle, in degrees (0 is north, 90 is east). The value can be given as a string. |
name | string | (required) The name that describes the data object (such as "DVIR failure"). |
data | JSON object | (required) Contains one or more custom key-value pairs to hold the data associated with the payload (such as "noDefects":true). |
[{ "data": { "noDefects":true, "score":"AA" }, "gpsQuality":"Excellent", "heading":60, "lat":33.94725, "lon":-118.388634, "name":"Payload Message Name", "targetType":"1", "timestamp":"2014-02-06T23:19:03Z", "unitId":"168249" }]
The Photo object holds data associated with image files that are captured as part of performing and completing jobs. The information includes the image file location and properties as well as metadata about when and where it was captured.
Member | Type | Purpose | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
id | string | The GUID of the photo. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
name | string | (Telogis key) The name of the image file, which must be unique. If the file extension is not specified, browser clients derive it from the content type. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
path | string | (optional) User-specified path on the file system for photo files. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
captureTime | string | The ISO 8601 timestamp for when the photo was taken. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
captureAddress | Address | The location where the photo was taken.
fullImageUrl | Uri | (read-only) The URL to the photo image file. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sizeInBytes | int? | (read-only) The size of the image file, in bytes. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pixelHeight | int? | (read-only) For aspect ratio as x:y, the photo's height (y) in pixels. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pixelWidth | int? | (read-only) For aspect ratio as x:y, the photo's width (x) in pixels. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
contentType | string | (read-only) The MIME Content-Type (file format) that was uploaded. Typical values: 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'. |
[{ "id": "abcdefa01234567abcdefa0123456789", "name": "ABIA-terminal", "captureTime": "2013-08-22T13:43:54Z", "captureAddress": { "street": "3600 Presidential Blvd", "city": "Austin", "region": "Texas", "postalCode": "78719", "lat": 31.567, "lon": 49.563, "bearingFromStreet": 7.6, } "fullImageUrl": "/attachments/abcdefa01234567abcdefa0123456789", "sizeInBytes": 3888000, "pixelWidth": 1440, "pixelHeight": 900, "contentType": "image/bmp" }]
The Signature object encapsulates the binary data associated with signing an Hours of Service event. The binary data is encoded in a Base64 representation, and it conforms to the standard Verizon Connect Mobile Application specification.
In the case of an error condition arising during a REST API transaction, the additional fields from the error response object will be present.
Member | Type | Purpose |
id | string | Uniquely identifies the signature data. When set, it indicates that an event has been signed by a driver. |
data | string | Contains the binary signature data encoded as Base64. The specification for encoding binary signature data is as follows: Signature data begins with a header section, followed by a number of point collections. To reconstruct the signature, each of these point collections must be rendered in turn with connecting line segments. |
[{ "id":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789", "data":"CXNpZ25hdHVyZYQDAAAiAgAAAQAAAAgBAAAoAFIBKQBSAS0AUgExAFIBNgBSAT4AUgFFAFIBTQBSAVwATAFmAEoBawBGAXEAQwF2AD8BeQA8AXsANwF+AD" }]
The timezone object contains the detailed information known about a TimeZone.
Member | Type | Purpose |
id | string | The ID of the time zone. |
name | string | The name for the time zone. |
abbreviation | string | The abbreviation for this time zone. |
currentOffset | string | The time zone's offset from UTC in ISO 8601 format (+/-hh:mm). If applicable, this includes the daylight savings offset. |
utcOffset | string | The time zone's standard offset from UTC in ISO 8601 format (+/-hh:mm). |
[{ "id": "f77dd467-52eb-e5f9-4f46-7763167398f3", "name": "America/Los_Angeles", "abbreviation": "PST", "offset": "-07:00" }]
The user object contains the detailed information known about a user.
Member | Type | Purpose |
id | string | The ID of the user. |
username | string | The username used to login. |
emailAddress | string | The user's email address. Must be a valid email address. |
fullName | string | The user's full name. |
timeZone | string | The user's time zone, expressed as a three character abbreviation. |
disabled | bool | Indicates whether the user is disabled. If set to true, the user cannot log in. |
lastLogin | string | The user's last login time. |
driverId | string | The user's driver ID. If set, the user is also a driver. |
anytime | bool? | (DEPRECATED) Indicates whether the user can log in anytime. If set to false, the user has access restrictions. |
accessWindowType | string | Indicates the type of access restriction this user has. Values: None, Basic, and RestrictAccessWindow. |
restrictedStartHour | string | The hour that determines when a restricted user is allowed to log in for the day. |
restrictedEndHour | string | The hour that determines when a restricted user's access ends for the day. |
accessDays | string[] | The user's restricted access days. The user will not be able to login outside of these days. |
streetAddress | string | The user's street address. |
city | string | The user's city. |
state | string | The user's state or region. |
postalCode | string | The zip code or postal code of the user's address. |
hierarchyNodeId | string | The ID of the Hierarchy node to which the user is assigned. |
phone1 | string | The user's phone number. |
phone2 | string | The user's alternate phone number. |
mobilePhone | string | The user's mobile phone number. |
customerId | string | The ID of the customer account to which the user belongs. |
unitsOfMeasure | UnitsOfMeasure | The user's unit of measure settings that determine the type of units to use when displaying measurements like distance, volume, and weight. |
idpUserName | string | The user's identity provider (IdP) username, which is only available if the customer has registered for single sign-on (SSO). |
[{ "id": "123456", "username": "User123456", "emailAddress": "", "fullName": "User154320", "timeZone": "PST", "disabled": false, "driverId": "123456", "anytime": false, "accessWindowType": "None", "restrictedStartHour": "04:00", "restrictedEndHour": "10:00", "accessDays": [ "Sunday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ], "streetAddress": "5115 Joanne Kearney Blvd", "city": "Tampa", "state": "FL", "postalCode": "12345", "phone1": "1345678965", "idpUserNames": [], "customerId":"321654" }]
The vehicle object contains the detailed information known about a vehicle.
Member | Type | Purpose | |||||||||
id | string | Uniquely identifies the vehicle. This is an integer identifier. | |||||||||
tag | string | The name of the vehicle, as a human-readable string. | |||||||||
make | string | The manufacturer of the vehicle, as a human-readable string. | |||||||||
model | string | The manufacturer's model of the vehicle, as a human-readable string. | |||||||||
year | int | The manufacturer's year of the vehicle. | |||||||||
odometer | double | The current odometer reading for the vehicle, in miles. | |||||||||
engineHours | int | The current engine usage reading of the vehicle, in hours. | |||||||||
marker | string | The home base of the vehicle. | |||||||||
licensePlate | string | The current license plate number of the vehicle. | |||||||||
driverId | string | The Id of the driver that is currently assigned to the vehicle. | |||||||||
devices | Device[] | The devices (unit types) installed in the vehicle.
vin | string | The VIN (vehicle identification number) of the vehicle. | |||||||||
custom | JSON object | Contains one or more key-value pairs for any custom fields and values defined for the vehicle. The items returned for this object can vary between vehicles. |
[{ "id":"20111023", "make":"Ford", "tag":"F750XLD-20111023", "model":"F-750 SuperDuty XL Diesel", "year":2011, "odometer":76023.4, "engineHours":3040, "marker":"abcdef10-1234-567a-bcde-f10123456789", "licensePlate":"ABC123", "driverId":"300834", "devices":[{"type":"Web"}], "vin":"1FMIX7699BU128703" }]