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Driver table
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The Driver table provides information about drivers in Fleet customer accounts.

This topic contains the following sections:


When you write templates that access this table, follow these requirements:

  1. Specify the Symbolic Name for the table version to use:

    TableID = Driver-1.0

  2. Specify an Intent that this table supports:

    • Retrieve
    • Create
    • Update
    • CreateOrUpdate
    • Delete
      Note Note

      Before you delete a driver (or a sub-user associated with a driver) from Fleet, it is important that six months of ELD reports for the driver or sub-user are downloaded. This includes drivers and sub-users who no longer work for the organization. Once you delete a driver or sub-user, this action cannot be reverted, and reports for that driver or sub-user can no longer be generated.

  3. Input templates: In your [Output] section, be sure to map an input value to every table column that is flagged as being a primary key or required.

  4. Retrieve templates: This table does not require the use of a fetcher. However, the following fetchers are available to optimize your query and are listed from most efficient to least:
    1. Id (Equals/In)
      Id(ExtId) = Equals(Id1)   # You can filter on literals or on variables from the [User] or [Calculated] sections.
      Id(ExtId) = In(["Id1","Id2","Id3"])
Driver column descriptions

This list includes each column's name, which you use in expressions to retrieve or create data, and data type, which defines how the data is retrieved and set.

Note Note
If a column of data type Id is a primary key OR if it refers to other tables (Id <OtherTable>), then you can map it to an external key or, in some cases, a Telogis key.
Column Data Type Description
Id Id (primary key) The ID of the driver.
Nickname Text (Telogis key; required when creating) A unique name for the driver.
EmployeeNo Text The driver's employee number.
SupervisorId Text A free form text field that identifies the driver's supervisor.
Surname Text The driver's family (last) name.
FirstName Text The driver's given (first) name.
MiddleName Text The driver's middle name.
MobilePhone Text The driver's mobile phone number. Must be a valid mobile phone number.
EmailAddress Text The driver's email address. Must be a valid email address.
UnitId Id<Unit> The ID of the vehicle to which the driver is assigned. To clear the unit assignment, set the UnitId to 0.
PreferredUnitId Id<Unit> The ID of the preferred vehicle for the driver.
Depot Id<Marker> The ID of the marker that is the driver's base location.
TimeZoneOffset TimeInterval (read-only) The offset from UTC of the driver's time zone.
UserId Id<User> The driver's user ID.
Address1 Text The first line of the driver's street address.
Address2 Text The second line of the driver's street address.
Address3 Text The third line of the driver's street address.
City Text The city where the driver lives.
State Text The state or region where the driver lives.
PostalCode Text The zip code or postal code of the driver's address.
Phone1 Text The driver's phone number. Must contain no characters other than digits, spaces, +, -, (, ), x, X, and #.
Phone2 Text The driver's alternate phone number. Must contain no characters other than digits, spaces, +, -, (, ), x, X, and #.
Notes Text Free form notes about the driver.
PhotoId Id Id of the driver's photo.
LicenseNo Text The driver's license number.
LicenseState Text The state where the driver's license was issued.
LicenseClass Text The class of the driver's license.
LicenseExpirationDate Timestamp The date when the driver's license expires.
InsuranceCarrier Text The carrier for the driver's insurance.
InsuranceAccountNo Text The account number of the driver's insurance.
InsuranceExpirationDate Timestamp The date when the driver's insurance expires.
HireDate Timestamp The date when the driver was hired.
LeaveDate Timestamp The date when the driver's contract ends.
Teams Set<Id<Team>> A comma-separated list of Team IDs for the teams the driver belongs to, enclosed in double quotes: "123,456,789".
Tags Set<Text> A comma-separated list of tags assigned to the driver, enclosed in double quotes: "tag1,tag2,tag3". Note that the tags must already be assigned for the account: you cannot create new tags here.
HierarchyNode Id<Hierarchy> The ID of the hierarchy node to which the driver is assigned. To unassign a driver from a hierarchy node, set the driver's HierarchyNode to 0.
LoginKey Text A unique string used by the driver to log in. This can correspond to an iButton or card that the driver uses for authentication.
LogoutKey Text A unique string used by the driver to log out. This can correspond to an iButton or card that the driver uses for authentication.
DtgDriverCard Text The driver’s digital tachograph card number. Must be 14 characters long. If the tachograph card number is 16 characters long, only the first 14 characters are accepted. Drivers can have one of the following: A digital tachograph card number; a LoginKey or a Logout key, or both; none of these (that is, no digital tachograph card number, LoginKey, or LogoutKey).
PinNo Text A PIN number for the driver's mobile device. This number is used for mobile messaging in WorkPlan.
HosRuleType Text The type of Hours of Service (HoS) rules. Values: Default, Federal60, Federal70, Texas70, California80, CanadaSouth70, CanadaSouth120, Florida70, Florida80. If no value is specified, the 'Default' value is assigned automatically.
ShiftPatternId Id<ShiftPattern> The ID of the driver current shift pattern.
ShiftPatternStartDate Timestamp The start date of the driver current shift pattern.
NormalPayRate Number The driver's normal hourly pay rate.
OvertimePayRate Number The driver's hourly pay rate when working overtime.

Additional columns:

Column Data Type Description
CustomerId Id (read-only, all Fleet tables) The ID of the customer/owner.
CustomerFullName Text (read-only, all Fleet tables) The human-readable full name of the customer/owner.
Custom columns
Column Data Type Description Text Specifies a user-defined custom column name to store additional information in the table. If the column name contains non-alphanumeric characters, enclose the value in brackets, for example Custom.[Special column].