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Attribute table
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The Attribute table allows you to retrieve all globally-defined and customer-created attributes. Attributes can be used to add extra data to markers in a structured form. An attribute is defined by a name and a data type; for example, the NumberOfPumps attribute could have the Number data type; and the OpeningHours attribute could have the SingleLine data type. When an attribute has been defined it can then be added to any given marker with a value that conforms with the data type; for example, Joe’s Garage could have NumberOfPumps: "5", or All Day Mart could have OpeningHours: "9 to 5", allowing users to store extra data for individual markers. See Attribute data type descriptions, below, for a list of the available data types.

Several attributes are globally-defined, and customer-created attributes can also be created for an account. Users can then assign the attributes to markers they have access to. New attributes are created via the Marker Admin tab in Fleet platform. They cannot be created from the Attribute table.

To add an attribute to a marker, find the Id of the attribute from this table then add it to the marker through the Site table’s Attributes column:

This topic contains the following sections:


When you write templates that access this table, follow these requirements:

  1. Specify the Symbolic Name for the table version to use:

    TableID = Attribute-1.0

  2. Specify an Intent that this table supports:

    • Retrieve

  3. Retrieve templates: This table does not require the use of a fetcher. The attributes returned include all of the global and custom attributes available for the authenticated customer account.

Attribute column descriptions

This list includes each column's name, which you use in expressions to retrieve data, and data type, which defines how the data is retrieved.

Column Data Type Description
Id Id (read-only). The ID of the attribute.
Name Text (read-only). The name of the attribute as it appears in Verizon Connect Fleet.
Type EnumType (read-only). The data type of the attribute. Values: Number, SingleLine, MultiLine, Boolean, DateTime, Date, Time. See the table below for data type descriptions.
IsGlobal BoolType (read-only). When true, indicates that the attribute is globally available to all customers.

Additional columns:

Column Data Type Description
CustomerId Id (read-only, all Fleet tables) The ID of the customer/owner.
CustomerFullName Text (read-only, all Fleet tables) The human-readable full name of the customer/owner.
Attribute data type descriptions
Data TypeDescription
NumberA positive or negative integer.
SingleLineString. Must be less than 1000 characters in length and must not contain any \n (newline) or \r (carriage return) characters.
MultiLineString. Must be less than 1000 characters length.
BooleanCan be true or false (case insensitive).
DateTimeDate time in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
DateDate in format YYYY-MM-DD.
TimeTime in format HH:MM:SS.

The Attributes column on the Site table is a Map<Text, Text>, where the value is the attribute value and the Key is the id of the attribute. To retrieve the Id of an attribute, use the Attribute table.

Given an attribute called Email with an Id of 1234, example calls to the attributes column might be:

  1. Create or update:

    Attributes[“1234”] = Input.Email

  2. Retrieve:

    Email = Input.Attributes[“1234”]

  3. Delete:

    Attributes[“1234”] = Null

  4. To retrieve all attributes, you must set StructuredData to true and use either JSON or XML formats. You can then do:

    Attributes = Input.Attributes