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User table
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The User table allows you to retrieve information about a User.

This topic contains the following sections:


When you write templates that access this table, follow these requirements:

  1. Specify the Symbolic Name for the table version to use:

    TableID = User-1.0

  2. Specify an Intent that this table supports:

    • Retrieve

  3. Retrieve templates: This table does not require the use of a fetcher. However, the following fetchers are available to optimize your query and are listed from most efficient to least:
    1. Id (Equals/In)
      Id(ExtId) = Equals(Id1)   # You can filter on literals or on variables from the [User] or [Calculated] sections.
      Id(ExtId) = In(["Id1","Id2","Id3"])
    2. Username (Equals)
      Username = Equals("msmith")
    3. DriverId (Equals/In)
      DriverId(ExtId) = Equals(Id1)
      DriverId(ExtId) = In([Id1,Id2,Id3])
User column descriptions

This list includes each column's name, which you use in expressions to retrieve data, and data type, which defines how the data is retrieved.

Column Data Type Description
Id Id (primary key) The ID of the user.
Username Text (Telogis key) A unique name for the user. (Maximum of 20 characters.)
EmailAddress Text The user's email address. Must be a valid email address.
FullName Text The user's full name.
TimeZone Text The user's time zone, expressed as a three character abbreviation.
Disabled BoolType Indicates whether the user is disabled. If set to true the user cannot log in.
LastLogin Timestamp The user's last login time.
DriverId Id<Driver> The user's driver ID. If set, the user is also a driver.
AccessWindowType EnumType Indicates the type of access restriction this user has. Values: None, Basic, and RestrictAccessWindow.
RestrictedStartHour Number The hour at which a restricted user is allowed to log in for the day. This setting only applies if the AccessWindowType is Basic.
RestrictedEndHour Number The hour at which a restricted user's access ends for the day. This setting only applies if the AccessWindowType is Basic.
AccessDays Set<EnumType> The days on which a restricted user is allowed to login. The user is restricted from logging in on any days not listed. This setting only applies if the AccessWindowType is Basic.
HierarchyNodeId Id<Hierarchy> The ID of the Hierarchy node to which the user is assigned.
StreetAddress Text The street address portion of the user's address.
City Text The user's city.
State Text The user's state or region.
PostalCode Text The zip code or postal code of the user's address.
Phone1 Text The user's phone number. Must contain no characters other than digits, spaces, +, -, (, ), x, X, and #.
Phone2 Text The user's alternate phone number. Must contain no characters other than digits, spaces, +, -, (, ), x, X, and #.
MobilePhone Text The user's mobile phone number. Must contain no characters other than digits, spaces, +, -, (, ), x, X, and #.
IdpUserName Text The user's identity provider (IdP) username, which is only available if the customer has registered for single sign-on (SSO).
Rights UserRight The rights and restrictions that are set for this user in Fleet.
UnitsOfMeasure UnitsOfMeasure The user's unit of measure settings that determine the type of units to use when displaying measurements like distance, volume, and weight.
Custom columns
Column Data Type Description Text Specifies a user-defined custom column name to store additional information in the table. If the column name contains non-alphanumeric characters, enclose the value in brackets, for example Custom.[Special column].