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The UserMessage table provides a means of sending messages to users.

This topic contains the following sections:


When you write templates that access this table, follow these requirements:

  1. Specify the Symbolic Name for the table version to use:

    TableID = UserMessage-1.0

  2. Specify an Intent that this table supports:

    • Create

  3. Input templates: In your [Output] section, be sure to map an input value to every table column that is flagged as being a primary key or required.

UserMessage column descriptions

This list includes each column's name, which you use in expressions to retrieve or create data, and data type, which defines how the data is retrieved and set.

Note Note
If a column of data type Id is a primary key OR if it refers to other tables (Id <OtherTable>), then you can map it to an external key or, in some cases, a Telogis key.
Column Data Type Description
Id Id (primary key) The Id of the message.
ToUserIds Array<Id<User>> Recipients of the message.
Content Text Content of the message.