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Unit table
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The Unit table provides information about vehicles and the installed devices (units) that report on them.

This topic contains the following sections:


When you write templates that access this table, follow these requirements:

  1. Specify the Symbolic Name for the table version to use:

    TableID = Unit-1.0

  2. Specify an Intent that this table supports:

    • Retrieve
    • Create
    • Update
    • CreateOrUpdate

  3. Input templates: In your [Output] section, be sure to map an input value to every table column that is flagged as being a primary key or required.

  4. Retrieve templates: This table does not require the use of a fetcher. However, the following fetchers are available to optimize your query and are listed from most efficient to least:
    1. Id (Equals/In)
      Id(ExtId) = Equals(Id1)   # You can filter on literals or on variables from the [User] or [Calculated] sections.
      Id(ExtId) = In(["Id1","Id2","Id3"])
    2. Tag (Equals/In)
      Tag = Equals("VehicleTag")     # Filter on literals or on variables from the [User] or [Calculated] sections.
      Tag = In(["Tag1","Tag2","Tag3"])
    3. BaseMarkerId (Equals)
      BaseMarkerId = Equals("Marker")     # Filter on literals or on variables from the [User] or [Calculated] sections
    4. DriverId (Equals/In)
      DriverId(ExtId) = Equals("100057")     # Or use Telogis Id: DriverId = Equals("123456...")
      DriverId(ExternalIdName) = In(["Id1","Id2","Id3"])
    5. BaseTerritoryId (Equals)
      BaseTerritoryId = Equals("Territory")  # Filter on literals or on variables from the [User] or [Calculated] sections
    6. FleetId (Equals)
      FleetId = Equals("Fleets")  # Filter on literals or on variables from the [User] or [Calculated] sections
    7. DeviceTypeId (Equals)
      DeviceTypeId = Equals("DeviceType")  # Filter on literals or on variables from the [User] or [Calculated] sections
    8. FuelTypeId (Equals)
      FuelTypeId = Equals("FuelType")  # Filter on literals or on variables from the [User] or [Calculated] sections
Unit column descriptions

This list includes each column's name, which you use in expressions to retrieve or create data, and data type, which defines how the data is retrieved and set.

Note Note
If a column of data type Id is a primary key OR if it refers to other tables (Id <OtherTable>), then you can map it to an external key or, in some cases, a Telogis key.
Column Data Type Description
Id Id (primary key) The ID of the vehicle.
FleetIds Set<Id<Fleet>> Array of IDs for the fleets to which this vehicle belongs. Updates must include the full set of desired IDs.
FleetNames Set<Text> (read-only) Array of strings naming the fleets to which this vehicle belongs.
DeviceType Text The type of device (unit) installed in the vehicle. Values: PLS, CDPD, SimpleWebUnit, vG3, REDI2000, Everex, LMU, vCore, Quanta, GenX, Pointer, Magneti, Airlink, Express, Portman, Web, AEMP.
InstallType Id<InstallType> The Id of the install type describing how the unit is hooked up for this vehicle.
InstallTypeName Text (read-only) The name for the install type that describes how the unit is hooked up for this vehicle.
Tag Text (Telogis key) The name of the vehicle. Maximum of 30 characters.
LinkDate Timestamp The date when the unit's contract begins. This value can be set when a unit is created; once set, it is read-only. If not specified, the value defaults to the current date. You can specify a date up to two weeks in the future or a retroactive date based on your account configuration settings.
LastReportTime Timestamp (read-only) The date and time that a report was last received from the vehicle.
LastLocation Location (writeable for Create) The location of the vehicle at the time it sent the last point that was received. On Create, input as a LatLon string. Specify only one location (LastLocation or LastLocationAddress) on Create.
LastLocationGmtTime Timestamp (read-only) The date and time when the vehicle arrived at the last location in GMT.
LastLocationHeading Angle (read-only) The direction of the vehicle at the time it sent the last point that was received. This will be between 0 and 360 degrees.
LastLocationAddress Address (writeable for Create) The address of the vehicle at the time it sent the last point that was received. On Create, input as an address string ("address[ -- country]"), which TDE converts to a native Address. Country defaults to USA if not specified. Input examples: "3110 Esperanza Crossing, Austin, TX 78741", "2000 Airport Rd NE Calgary, AB T2E 6Z8 -- Canada". Specify only one location (LastLocation or LastLocationAddress) on Create.
LastLocationSpeed Speed (read-only) The speed of the vehicle at the time it sent the last point that was received.
LastLocationMarkerId Id<Marker> (read-only) The ID of the marker where the vehicle was located at its last point. If the last point was near multiple markers, the system returns the ID of the marker closest to the vehicle's last location, based on the centroid of the marker.
LastLocationMarkerName Text (read-only) The name of the marker where the vehicle was located at its last point. If the last point was near multiple markers, the system returns the name of the marker closest to the vehicle's last location, based on the centroid of the marker.
DriverId Id<Driver> The ID of driver assigned to the vehicle. To clear the driver assignment, set the DriverId to 0.
DriverName Text (read-only) The name of the driver who is assigned to the vehicle.
DriverEmployeeNumber Text (read-only) The employee number of the driver who is assigned to the vehicle.
DriverTags Set<Text> (read-only) Array of strings for the tags that are associated with the assigned driver.
BaseLocation Location (read-only) Location where this vehicle is based.
BaseMarkerId Id<Marker> The ID of the base marker for this vehicle.
BaseAddress Address (read-only) Address of the location where this vehicle is based.
BaseTerritoryId Id<Territory> (read-only) The ID of the territory of the base marker for this vehicle.
Odometer Distance The current odometer reading. Once set, this is updated based on vehicle movement. It may need to be reset periodically to adjust for discrepancies between actual odometer reading and estimates based on vehicle movement.
TotalEngineHours Number Total Engine hours for the vehicle.
TotalEngineTime TimeInterval Total Engine time for the vehicle since the last point was received.
HasIgnition BoolType True if the vehicle has a sensor for the ignition; false if ignition status must be inferred from vehicle movement.
IsIgnitionOn BoolType (read-only) Whether the ignition on at the time of the last point received.
Serial Text (Telogis key) Serial number of unit installed in the vehicle.
AssetType Text Name of the Asset type assigned to the vehicle.
LastDiagnosticTime Timestamp (read-only) Time of the last reading of diagnostic inputs.
FollowMeLocation Location (read-only) Location of the "Follow-me" marker for this vehicle, set when the vehicle last stopped.
IsActive BoolType Sets the visibility of the vehicle on Fleet maps and reports. False hides the vehicle, such as during provisioning or retirement from the fleet.
RegistrationId Text The registration number of the vehicle.
Vin Text VIN (vehicle identification number).
Year Text Year of vehicle (based on user input).
Make Text Make of vehicle (based on user input).
Model Text Model of vehicle (based on user input).
Color Text Color of vehicle (based on user input).
FuelType Text Type of fuel that the vehicle runs on. Values: Not_Set, Diesel, Gasoline, Ethanol, Propane, CNG, A_55, E_85, M_85, Gasohol, LNG, Methanol, Biodiesel, Other.
EngineType EnumType Type of engine that the vehicle uses. Values: InternalCombustion, Hybrid, PlugInElectric, PlugInHybrid, Other.
TimeZone Text Time zone where vehicle is based. Must be one of the supported time zone strings.
Tags Set<Text> Array of strings for the tags that are assigned to the vehicle.
VehicleCategory Text Category of the vehicle. This is a user-defined value that is used for grouping vehicles in the dashboard.
FirstDiagnosticTime Timestamp (read-only) Time of first reading from diagnostic inputs.
EngineSerial Text Serial number of the engine.
PenskeId Text Penske number of the vehicle.
Transferred BoolType (read-only) True if the vehicle or unit used to belong to a different customer account, false otherwise.
FuelBurnOverTime FlowRate Rate at which fuel is consumed when idling.
Notes Text Free-form notes associated with vehicle.
HasSpeed BoolType True if the vehicle has a sensor for speed, false if speed must be inferred from vehicle movement.
ServiceNeeded BoolType (read-only) True if the vehicle is due for a scheduled service, false otherwise.
MajorServiceMileage Distance Mileage between regularly scheduled major servicing.
MinorServiceMileage Distance Mileage between regularly scheduled minor servicing.
MajorServicePeriod TimeInterval Time between regularly scheduled major servicing.
MinorServicePeriod TimeInterval Time between regularly scheduled minor servicing.
LastMajorService Distance Odometer reading at last major servicing.
LastMinorService Distance Odometer reading at last minor servicing.
LastMajorServiceTime Timestamp Time of last major servicing.
LastMinorServiceTime Timestamp Time of last minor servicing.
PhoneNumber Text (read-only) Phone number of the device installed in the vehicle.
Carrier Text (read-only) Carrier (phone service provider) of the phone of the device installed in the vehicle.
PhoneModel Text (read-only) Model of phone of the device installed in the vehicle.
GrossVehicleWeightRating Text (read-only) Gross vehicle weight rating code. Used with CTP start date in ESmog report.
BARFileNum Text (read-only) BAR file number of the vehicle.
RegisteredOwner Text (read-only) Registered owner of the vehicle.
CTPStartDate Timestamp (read-only) Continuous Testing Pilot start date. Used with gross vehicle weight rating in ESmog report.
MinEconomicalRPM Number Minimum RPMs for the vehicle's 'economical' zone.
MaxEconomicalRPM Number Maximum RPMs for the vehicles 'economical' zone.
CustomerName Text (read-only) The name of the customer associated with this vehicle.
HierarchyNode Id<Hierarchy> The ID of the node.
BodyType EnumType The body type of the vehicle. Values: DryVan, Refrigerated, LiquidTank, Beverage, Dump, RefuseOrRecycling, FlatBed, Wrecker, AutoCarrier, PropaneTank, Shredder, BucketTruck, Crane, Other
Class EnumType The class of the vehicle. Values: Class1, Class2, Class3, Class4, Class5, Class6, Class7, Class8, Class9
MaxJobsServiceablePerRoute Number The maximum number of jobs that this vehicle can service on a route.
StartDepotTimeOnSite TimeInterval The time that the vehicle is expected to spend on site at the start depot.
EndDepotTimeOnSite TimeInterval The time that the vehicle is expected to spend on site at the end depot.
ReturnToDepotTimeOnSite TimeInterval The time that the vehicle is expected to spend on site when returning to a depot.
DriverRequiresTags Set<Text>

A list of tags that any driver must have before they can be assigned to a route using the vehicle. If a driver who does not have the required tags is assigned to a route using the vehicle, a routing violation will occur. Note that the tags must already be assigned for the account: you cannot create new tags here.

For routes that do not have drivers assigned to them, during the Build Routes process in Scenarios the optimizer chooses a driver-vehicle combination for each route, ensuring that the driver has the correct tags to be assigned to a route using the vehicle.

For routes that do have drivers assigned to them, the Build Routes process in Scenarios assigns certain vehicles to those routes, depending on the drivers’ tags.

In either case, when vehicles and/or drivers are assigned to a route manually in either Scenarios or Dispatch, the Requirements must be met (that is, the driver must have the tags that are listed in the vehicle’s DriverRequiresTags field).

This feature does not have any effect on Mobile App or Fleet vehicle/driver assignment, which is done in real time. The optimizer recommends which vehicle/driver combination to use for a route in advance, but cannot enforce what happens on the day.

Additional columns:

Column Data Type Description
CustomerId Id (read-only, all Fleet tables) The ID of the customer/owner.
CustomerFullName Text (read-only, all Fleet tables) The human-readable full name of the customer/owner.
Custom columns
Column Data Type Description Text Specifies a user-defined custom column name to store additional information in the table. If the column name contains non-alphanumeric characters, enclose the value in brackets, for example Custom.[Special column].