Signature table |
The Signature table provides access to electronic signatures associated with HOS (Hours of Service) events logged for specific drivers. Signatures are captured, for example, when a driver electronically signs HOS reports or forms.
This table supports Verizon Connect Mobile integrations for Fleet accounts. Contact your account manager for additional information.
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Once created, these entities are read-only. |
This topic contains the following sections:
When you write templates that access this table, follow these requirements:
Specify the Symbolic Name for the table version to use:
TableID = Signature-1.0
Specify an Intent that this table supports:
Input templates: In your [Output] section, be sure to map an input value to every table column that is flagged as being a primary key or required.
[Filter] Id(ExtId) = Equals(Id1) # You can filter on literals or on variables from the [User] or [Calculated] sections.
[Filter] Id(ExtId) = In(["Id1","Id2","Id3"])
[Filter] DriverId(ExternalIdName) = Equals("DEF123") # or use Telogis Id: DriverId = Equals("123456...") Created = Equals("2013-01-31 15:00, PST") # can use variables from [User] or [Calculated]
[Filter] DriverId(ExternalIdName) = Equals("ABC123") # or use Telogis Id: DriverId = Equals("123456...")
This list includes each column's name, which you use in expressions to retrieve or create data, and data type, which defines how the data is retrieved and set.
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If a column of data type Id is a primary key OR if it refers to other tables (Id <OtherTable>), then you can map it to an external key or, in some cases, a Telogis key. |
Column | Data Type | Description |
Id | Id | (primary key) The ID of the signature. |
DriverId | Id<Driver> | The ID of the associated driver. |
Created | Timestamp | The time when the signature was created. |
Lines | MultiLineString | The graphical description of the signature shape. |
Width | Number | The horizontal length (as a positive integer) of the signature's bounding box. |
Height | Number | The vertical length (as a positive integer) of the signature's bounding box. |
Additional columns: