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AddressFieldType Enumeration
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Identifies the type of an address field.

Namespace: Telogis.API
public enum AddressFieldType
  Member nameValueDescription
StreetNumber0 The address field refers to a street number.
StreetName1 The address field refers to a street name.
City2 The address field refers to a city.
County3 The address field refers to a county.
Region4 The address field refers to a region.
State5 The address field refers to a state.
Zip6 The address field refers to a zip.
PostCode7 The address field refers to a post code.
Building8 The address field refers to a building.
Sector9 The address field refers to a sector.
Country10 The address field refers to a country.
CrossStreet11 The address field refers to a cross street.
See Also