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LegacyTelogisService Methods
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The LegacyTelogisService type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddDriverTag
Adds a tag to the given driver.
Public methodAddDriverToTeam
Add the given driver to the given team. A Team is a collection of drivers.
Public methodAddMarkerToCategory
Add the given marker to the given category. A Category is a collection of markers.
Public methodAddUnitTag
Adds a tag to the given unit.
Public methodAddUnitToFleet
Add a unit to a fleet. A fleet is a collection of units.
Public methodAssignDriver
Assign a driver to a unit (typically a vehicle).
Public methodClearCache
Clears the cache for the current user.
Public methodConnectDevice
Connect a Device to a Unit .
Public methodCode exampleCreateCategory
A Category is a collection of markers. Use this method to create a new Category.
Public methodCode exampleCreateDriver
Creates a new driver. The driver may be associated with a Unit , depot and be assigned user-configurable Property objects.
Public methodCode exampleCreateFleet
Create a new Fleet. A Fleet is a collection of Units (typically vehicles).
Public methodCreateHierarchyItem
Create a new hierarchy item within the hierarchy.
Public methodCreateJob
Create an unassigned job. Unassigned job does not belong to a route.
Public methodCreateJobType
Create a JobType in the fleet database, and returns an API Job class representation.
Public methodCreateMarker
Create a new marker with the given attributes (location, driver, tag, category, properties, address...).
Public methodCreateMarker2
Create a new marker with the given attributes (location, driver, tag, category, properties, address...).
Public methodCreatePhoto
Uploads a driver photo.
Public methodCreateTag
Create a Tag. A Tag is a simple and flexible method of categorizing, labeling, and sorting assets, such as drivers and units.
Public methodCode exampleCreateTeam
Create a Team. A Team is a collection of Driver objects.
Public methodCreateUnit
Creates an Verizon Connect Fleet unit, positioned at LAX.
Public methodCreateUnitAtLatLon
Creates an Verizon Connect Fleet unit, positioned at the given location.
Public methodCreateUser
Create a new sub-user with the given attributes.
Public methodDeleteCategory
Deletes a Category object, specified by ID.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteDriver
Remove the specified Driver from Verizon Connect Fleet. Note: Before you delete a driver (or a sub-user associated with a driver) from Fleet, it is important that six months of ELD reports for the driver or sub-user are downloaded. This includes drivers and sub-users who no longer work for the organization. Once you delete a driver or sub-user, this action cannot be reverted, and reports for that driver or sub-user can no longer be generated.
Public methodDeleteFleet
Public methodDeleteMarker
Removes the specified marker from Verizon Connect Fleet.
Public methodDeletePhoto
Public methodDeleteTeam
Public methodDeleteUser
Public methodDisconnectDevice
Disconnect a Device from a Unit .
Public methodDispatchJob
Assign a previously unassigned job to a driver. It creates a new route, starting from the driver's depot.
Public methodCode exampleFindCategories
Finds Categories with a matching tag (if its supplied non-null) and matching properties. All fields have to match.
Public methodCode exampleFindDrivers
Finds Drivers with a matching tag (if its supplied non-null) and matching properties. All fields have to match.
Public methodCode exampleFindFleets
Finds Fleets with a matching tag (if its supplied non-null) and matching properties. All fields have to match.
Public methodFindHierarchyItems
Finds hierarchy items that have the given ID.
Public methodFindHierarchyNodes
Find hierarchy nodes based on name and item ID
Public methodFindMarkers
Search for markers. Results can be filtered on: tag, properties, address location, driver and category. Set a field to null (or zero for numeric fields) to ignore a field when filtering search results.
Public methodFindMarkers2
Search for markers. Results can be filtered on: tag, properties, address location, driver and category. Set a field to null (or zero for numeric fields) to ignore a field when filtering search results.
Public methodCode exampleFindPointsWithinCircleForFleet
Finds Points generated by a given Fleet that lie within a given circle and time window.
Public methodCode exampleFindPointsWithinCircleForUnit
Finds Points generated by a given Unit that lie within a given circle and time window.
Public methodCode exampleFindTeams
Finds Teams with a matching tag (if its supplied non-null) and matching properties. All fields have to match.
Public methodCode exampleFindUnits
Finds Units with a matching name (if its supplied non-null) and matching properties. All fields have to match.
Public methodFindUsers
Finds Users with a matching name (if its supplied non-null) and matching properties. All fields have to match.
Public methodCode exampleForwardGeocode
Returns the geographic location and full street address for a given address.
Public methodGetCategory
Gets a Category object, specified by ID.
Public methodGetCondition
Get a Condition object, specified by ID.
Public methodGetCondition2
Get a Condition2 object, specified by ID. Note that this object can come from either the newest exception engine or the legacy exception engine.
Public methodGetCurrentUser
Gets a User object representing the current user.
Public methodGetDriver
Get a Driver object, specified by ID.
Public methodCode exampleGetDriverHistory
Gets the history of a driver over a specified time period.
Public methodGetFleet
Get a Fleet, specified by ID.
Public methodGetFleetHistory
Public methodGetForm
Retrieves information about a completed form instance and the fields it contains
Public methodGetHierarchyNode
Get a hierarchy node specified by ID
Public methodGetJob
Fetch the Job with the Guid provided by the authenticated user.
Public methodGetJobsForUnit
Gets all the jobs assigned to the Unit at the given time period.
Public methodGetJobTypeById
Get a specific JobType in the Fleet database with the given Guid.
Public methodGetJobTypes
Retrieve the available JobTypes under the current API user.
Public methodGetOption
Returns the value of a user option.
Public methodGetOptionDescription
Returns meta information for the given user option.
Public methodGetPhoto
Gets a photo by a specified Id
Public methodGetTeam
Gets a Team object specified by ID
Public methodGetTeamHistory
Public methodGetUnit
Returns the Unit with the specified ID.
Public methodCode exampleGetUnitHistory
Get the history for a Unit (typically a vehicle) over a specified time period.
Public methodGetUser
Gets a User object for the specified user.
Public methodGetValidInstallTypes
Obtain an array of valid install type names for the current customer
Public methodInsertLocation
Add a location report.
Public methodInsertLocations
Add an array of location reports.
Public methodCode exampleListCategories
Gets an array of Category objects. A Category is a collection of Marker objects.
Public methodCode exampleListCategoryMarkers
Get an selection of markers from a given category.
Public methodCode exampleListConditions
Get a selection of Condition objects.
Public methodListConditions2
Get a selection of Condition2 objects that can either come from the newest exception engine or the legacy exception engine.
Public methodCode exampleListConditionTypes
Gets an array of all Verizon Connect Fleet ConditionTypes. See example.
Public methodCode exampleListDevices
Get an array of devices connected to the specified unit (typically a vehicle).
Public methodCode exampleListDrivers
Gets an array of Driver objects.
Public methodCode exampleListDriverTags
Gets all the Tag objects associated with a given driver. You should use tags to sort and group your drivers, typically by skillset or equipment.
Public methodListExceptions
Displays the exceptions that started (TimeOn) during the specified date/time period.
Public methodListExpandedExceptions
Displays the expanded exceptions that started (TimeOn) or ended (TimeOff) during the specified date/time period.
Public methodListExpandedExceptions2
Displays the expanded exceptions from the newest exception engine as well as the legacy exception engine that started (TimeOn) or ended (TimeOff) during the specified date/time period.
Public methodCode exampleListFleets
Get a number of Fleets.
Public methodListFleetUnits
Get a number of Units (typically vehicles) from the specified Fleet .
Public methodCode exampleListInputs
Gets the inputs attached to a given Device in a given Unit .
Public methodCode exampleListMarkers
Get a number of markers.
Public methodListOutputs
Gets the outputs attached to a given Device in a given Unit .
Public methodListPhotos
Public methodCode exampleListTags
Gets all your tags. You should use tags to label, group and sort your assets (such as drivers, units and fleets).
Public methodListTeamDrivers
Gets a number of drivers from the specified Team . A team is a collection of drivers.
Public methodListTeams
Get a selection of teams.
Public methodListUnits
Get a selection of units (typically vehicles).
Public methodCode exampleListUnitTags
Gets all the tags for a given unit.
Public methodListUsers
Get a selection of users.
Public methodMoveHierarchyItem
Move the given hierarchy item from one parent to another.
Public methodRemoveDriverFromTeam
Remove the given Driver from the given Team . A Team is a collection of drivers.
Public methodRemoveDriverTag
Remove a tag from a driver.
Public methodRemoveMarkerFromCategory
Remove a Marker from a category. A Category is a collection of markers.
Public methodRemoveUnitFromFleet
Remove a Unit from a fleet. A Fleet is a collection of units (typically vehicles).
Public methodRemoveUnitTag
Remove a tag from a unit.
Public methodReverseGeocode
Converts a latitude-longitude coordinate to a street address.
Public methodSetOption
Sets the value of a user option.
Public methodSetUnitInstallType
Sets the install type of the provided unit
Public methodUpdateCategory
Updates a Category object.
Public methodUpdateCondition
Updates a condition object.
Public methodUpdateCondition2
Updates a Condition2 object that can either come from the newest exception engine or the legacy exception engine.
Public methodUpdateDriver
Updates a driver. Doesn't currently support updating a driver's properties.
Public methodUpdateFleet
Public methodUpdateInput
Updates the input of a given device in a given unit.
Public methodUpdateInputs
Updates the inputs of a given device in a given unit.
Public methodUpdateMarker
Update a marker.
Public methodUpdateOutput
Public methodUpdatePhoto
Public methodUpdateTeam
Public methodUpdateUnit
Updates a unit. It does not currently support updating a unit's properties.
Public methodUpdateUser
See Also