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GET /hos_summary/<date>
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This service retrieves the latest HOS summary report (if any) submitted by the authenticated driver on the specific date specified in the URL. The submissionTime determines which HOS summary is the latest.

Specify the date in YYYY-MM-DD format.


No request body is used for this service.

Optional parameters

updated_since ISO 8601 timestamp Finds items by modification time. This retrieves only those objects with one or more timestamp members, one of which falls after the specified timestamp.
list_all false (default), true (only usable with updated_since) If set to true, list_all retrieves a comprehensive list: ProductName returns a larger set of results that includes the IDs (or primary key values) of every object that falls within the selection range and the JSON for the updated objects. Setting list_all to true can be used, for example, if you need to refresh a local cache.

On success, the response is the JSON array of HOS summary objects, which will be empty if no summary exists for that date:

Member Type Purpose
driverId string A unique identifier (as an integer) for the driver, used to GET any HOS summary (not used for POST).
date string (required for POST) The date (as "yyyy-MM-dd") in the driver's time zone at the time of the report.
submissionTime string The time (in UTC, as "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") when the driver filled out the report, not when the REST call is made. Unless it is supplied on POST, it defaults to the time that the server received it.
startOdometer double (optional) The user-supplied odometer reading (in miles) at the start of the driver shift that is being summarized.
endOdometer double (optional) The user-supplied odometer reading (in miles) at the end of the driver shift that is being summarized. Unless the Unit has a more recent reading, it updates the Unit.Odometer value as well.
drivingMiles double The number of miles actively driven by the driver, regardless of vehicle.
nonDrivingMiles double The number of miles completed by the driver as a passenger, regardless of vehicle.
unitId string A unique identifier (as an integer) for the unit, either the one assigned to the current driver or an identifier supplied by the driver.
trailerNumber string (optional) The number of the trailer included in this shift.
coDriverName string (optional) The name of the additional driver included in this shift.
shipment ShipmentInfo (optional)
Member Type Purpose
manifestNo string (optional) The manifest number that identifies this shipment.
shipper string (optional) The shipper for this shipment.
commodity string (optional) The type of material goods (such as "steel") included in this shipment.
Note that HOS Summary reports combine shipper and commodity into a field shipper_commodity, which maps directly to commodity in the REST API. Therefore, when you retrieve such reports, you get shipment="" and commodity="shipment_commodity_value"; when Verizon Connect Mobile Application users retrieve reports submitted by REST API drivers, they get shipment_commodity="commodity_value".
id string (preferred but not required, due to backwards compatibility) A GUID for the HOS summary, used for creating, updating, or deleting a specific summary.
vehicleBegin string The start time for the driver's service in this vehicle, given as "HH:MM:SS" in driver's local time zone. Defaults to 00:00:00 if not specified.
vehicleEnd string The end time for the driver's service in this vehicle, given as "HH:MM:SS" in driver's local time zone. Cannot be specified if vehicleBegin is not specified. Remains null if vehicleBegin alone is provided. Defaults to 23:59:59 if neither is specified.
signatureId string (read-only) A unique identifier for the driver's signature associated with the Hours Of Service summary event. It may be null if there is no signature.
All available fields are included in the response objects.

If the request fails, an Error Response is generated.