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POST /sign?id=<id>&from=<starttime>&to=<endtime>&submission_time=<submissiontime>
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This service is used to sign any unsigned events within the specified range using the signature whose id is specified in the URL.

The submission_time parameter specifies when the event was signed, which determines which signature is the latest. Specify the time in ISO 8601 format.


No request body is used for this service because the signature is indicated by the URL.


On success, the response body is the signature object with only the id field completed:

Member Type Purpose
id string Uniquely identifies the signature data. When set, it indicates that an event has been signed by a driver.
data string Contains the binary signature data encoded as Base64. The specification for encoding binary signature data is as follows:

Signature data begins with a header section, followed by a number of point collections. To reconstruct the signature, each of these point collections must be rendered in turn with connecting line segments.

If the request fails, an Error Response is generated.